The government will have a strong trump card if many people take part in the latest national consultation that started a few days ago, said Dániel Deák, as a guest of the Szeged Christian Democratic Club and the CÖF Szeged Club.

The XXI. According to the senior analyst of Század Intézet, the national consultations have previously contributed to the creation of points of agreement between the government and Hungarian citizens.

If many people complete the national consultation that has just started, it can give the Hungarian government a kind of confidence, and it can be a serious trump card in its hands to represent national interests in the European Union

said Dániel Deák.

The XXI. The leading analyst of the Szazad Institute was a guest of the Szeged Christian Democratic Club and the Szeged Club of the Civil Solidarity Forum on Tuesday evening in the Dóm visitor center in Szeged, where he talked with Norbert Heizler, the national coordinator of the Civil Solidarity Forum.

The analyst reminded that the restart of the national consultation was announced by Viktor Orbán on April 27, 2010 after the victory in the parliamentary elections, the declared goal of which was still to make the relationship between the country's leaders and the voters more direct and closer. Several key government measures have been preceded by consultations in the past 13 years. In this sense, the national consultations contributed to the creation of points of agreement between the government and Hungarian citizens, the analyst said.

According to him, the consultation is about real and serious issues of destiny. The analyst drew attention to the fact that the government must fight a serious battle with the Union to protect Hungarian interests.

He said that Ukraine wants additional billions and weapons from the European Union, while restricting the rights of nationalities.

Dániel Deák drew attention to the fact that teachers and students in Transcarpathian Hungarian schools can now only speak Hungarian to each other from 5 p.m., after the end of school hours. This is included in a new Ukrainian decree, which would also prohibit Hungarian doctors from now speaking to their patients in Hungarian.

In other words, the situation of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine is clearly deteriorating, and this is how they want to become members of the European Union. All this while they are at war, even though it is clear: a country at war cannot join the union

- added Dániel Deák, who also spoke to our paper about migration.

According to him, the Israeli war once again highlighted the dangers of migration. He said, we already know that terrorist organizations operate near the border. This, in turn, as he put it, gave the government strength to deal with the migration crisis.

An example of this is the planned new, stricter immigration law.

The analyst said about next year's EU and domestic municipal elections that there are more serious stakes than ever before. Because it does not matter whether those who represent sovereignty, that is, national interests, are strengthened.

If this does not happen, the European Union will continue to attack the Hungarian government's efforts, for example the interest rate cap, the reduction of utilities, or the migration policy

said Dániel Deák.

South Magyar

Featured image: Sándor Gémes / Délmgyar