So let's not lie to each other, especially not in such a way that it causes our destruction! It would be best to start scientific debates and end the monopoly of opinion.

We know very well: the famous and infamous organization of the UN, the IPCC dealing with climate change - i.e. the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its president, James Skea, who replaced Hoesung Lee - has always been, is and will be right in everything. In matters of climate and climate, the IPCC itself is the incarnate truth, to whose every statement we must bow our heads.

Oh, and of course to Mr. António Guterres, the UN Secretary General, who tells the world's public exactly what Lee, James Skea and the IPCC do.

What do the undisputed champions of truth and science say?

That there is global warming, and only we humans can do about it when we emit carbon dioxide into the air. This is the source of all problems, so something must be done about the person. Guterres said in July: “Climate change is here. Terrible. And that's just the beginning. The era of global warming is over; the era of global boiling has arrived. The air is unbreathable. The heat is unbearable. And the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable.”

These sentences are amazingly extreme and ridiculous in themselves: it can be seen that they serve a purpose that the global elite wants to achieve. The UN and, of course, the European Union also talk about the need to achieve zero emissions, zero human carbon dioxide emissions, by 2050. Based on the scientists who can be taken seriously, this is total nonsense, an impossibility, of course if humanity wants to commit suicide, then go for it!

The time has come to have an open debate with the IPCC, because the political requirements formulated on the basis of their research are not only unacceptable, but also unfounded. And it is intolerable that they simply eliminate scientific discussions on the issue, push out and humiliate those who contradict them.

Discussions must be started because this is a vitally important issue for the world as a whole. Fortunately, there are those who have already started the discussion and are waiting for the answers. The Global Climate Intelligence Group, or Clintel for short, was founded in 2019, and its founders are geophysicist professor emeritus Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. The number of its members is now more than 1,600 from all over the world, and all members are scientists, competent people who are familiar with climate issues. The Hungarian member is academician Csaba László Szarka, whose numerous studies and presentations deserve great attention.

Well, most of the Hungarian public - and that's quite strange! - you cannot know that Clintel has taken up the fight with the IPCC and through it with the leaders of the UN and other global leaders: comprehensive analyzes have been carried out of all six reports of the IPCC published so far, which of course all point in the same direction, emphasizing human responsibility, and call for extraordinary measures against carbon dioxide emissions. These measures, if implemented, will practically destroy Western industry and push developing countries into poverty.

Clintel has taken a big step: it recently issued a world climate declaration, which was signed by 1,609 in the first round, but you can still join it - there are already over 1,800 ( The title of the statement: There is no climate emergency. The signatories are all scientists and professionals (!), and based on their number, there are essentially the same number of scientists (or stupid people) who prepare the ominous, threatening reports of the IPCC. Among them are two Nobel laureates. Well, then who is right?

I quote the introductory sentences, which are instructive in themselves and make us at least think about who wants to mislead whom here and why.

"The geological archive shows that Earth's climate has varied throughout the planet's existence, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age just ended in 1850. Therefore, it is not surprising that we are now living in a period of warming. The world has warmed significantly less than the IPCC predicted based on modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world suggests that we are far from understanding climate change.

Climate models have many shortcomings and are far from acceptable as a global policy tool. They blast the effects of greenhouse gases like CO2. They also ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.

Carbon dioxide is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential for all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 has a beneficial effect on nature, making the Earth greener: the additional CO2 in the air helped the growth of global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing crop yields worldwide.

Global warming has not increased the number of natural disasters. There is no statistical evidence that global warming will intensify or make hurricanes, floods, droughts and similar natural disasters more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2 reduction measures are as harmful as they are costly.

Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.

There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no reason for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net zero carbon policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they surely will, then we have plenty of time to consider and readjust. The goal of global policy should be "prosperity for all" by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society, men and women are well educated, the birth rate is high, and people care about their environment.”

That's the quote.

In the meantime, Clintel also drew the attention of the new president of the IPCC, James Skea, in a clear and unequivocal letter to the possible mistakes, and even fatally wrong conclusions, and calls for public debates on these issues that are crucial for the world. This is a very undemocratic request, isn't it, my friends and fellow human beings? It's impossible, isn't it?

Cynicism aside: it would be best to start scientific debates, not to implement a policy that serves the power and financial goals of a global elite in a crazy way, with the UN, the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset, the IMF, the EU and the other globalist organizations. After that, if we have come up with something, then let's move - we don't even know in what direction yet.

And one more thing: even if I don't understand the subject, I have read from several scientists that the change in our Earth's climate is influenced by so many well-known or little-known factors, from water vapor through clouds to the movement of the oceans to solar activity, certain changes in the Earth's orbit through to the unfathomable cosmic effects, that in fact, based on our current scientific knowledge, a chaotic system is operating that we do not yet understand, we will need a lot of time to figure out what really causes the cyclical - now warming - eras of the climate.
They remember that scene from the movie Between the Stars, when Captain Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) asked his scientist colleague when they arrived at the black hole what they should do now, what is the right thing to do. The answer was: “Nothing. Here we can only be observers." Maybe there really is something in the universe - despite our best intentions - over which we have no control.

What we can really do is protect the environment. Therefore, if the Hungarian government starts a real green policy - very correctly - it will be about not polluting the world around us, nature, our local environment, the landscape of our house, ourselves and others. This is the most important thing, we can do the most with it, and not by shutting down energy sources like crazy and with exaggeratedly vehement speed, without which we will simply eliminate our living conditions in the short term.

So let's not lie to each other, especially not in such a way that it causes our destruction!

Source: Hungarian Nation

Cover image: Illustration / Pixabay