Comrade Bástya's swimming pool was closed. The proletariat likes good whiskey, the consumption of which it exercises through its elected representatives. The Katona József Színház is completely independent, free and democratic, which values ​​are put into practice through the DK party members.

Many, many years ago, my friend Csermely began one of his articles with this sentence: "Ferenc Gyurcsány is an idiot."

A perfect, indisputable statement. Following in the footsteps of our great predecessors, let us state: Gábor Máté is also a moron.

Anyway, there is a nice tradition for this kind of thing.

During the time of DK's great predecessors, if you showed your MSZMP party membership card, you could get the Trabo and the Wartburg from the Merkur station earlier, you could get bananas out of line before Christmas, you could get ahead of the housing allocation, and the good comrade could then wash the panel in an athletic jacket with big holes the Sunday before the new car, which had the nodding dog in the rear window, and the CASCO sticker had been changed to CSAÓ.

And those who even had a "sochaza" ID card, their completely stupid child was admitted anywhere. And the kulaks and bourgeois and count's children could go to work as skilled workers, even if they were geniuses.

This was also a numerus clausus, but it was not called that.

This beautiful tradition was brought to life by Máté Gabesz and his troupe, these many independent, free and democratic mythographers.

In any case, a recording should be made of this. When the dean comrade goes to the box office of the Katona József Színház and shows his party card, the cashier lady politely smiles, winks a little, and deducts thirty percent of the ticket price.

This must be a symptom of aging.

And after all this, the many independent and free and democratic Comrades Virág pretend that Hungary is a dictatorship and "Azorban".

Oh dear God, how hard can it be to be such a flippist…

In any case, it is insanely gratifying that even according to Comrade Bolgár, the matter is "really fishy". And if Comrade Bolgár says it's a net, then the stakes are high here.

Anyway, here's a tutorial to finish:

"Two brothers from Székely come to Budapest and go to the theater. In the middle of the second act, one of them is discovered by the cop. He sets up the whole line, stumbles out and starts wandering. He searches for the toilet in narrower and narrower corridors, it's also dark, he can't find it anywhere, and finally he sees a large vase in the semi-darkness. Necessity is great, there is nothing to do, he crouches down and does his job. He finds it with great difficulty, sets up the whole row, sits down and whispers to the other:

"You comatose, what happened while I was not here?"

"My coma, it's very exciting... when you left, it turned out that the countess was cheating on the count with the butler." Then you came in, fucked in the big vase, and now we are anxiously waiting to see what will happen..."

Máté Gabesz and his company screwed up the country.

And now we are anxiously waiting to see what will happen.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Photo:éter Mészáros