I know that Timișoara will never be nominated for the prize, because they cannot digest that I had the strength to write so many books, all the while maintaining my independence.

Since 1990, national studies research has been possible, when the doors of archives opened.

In addition to my work (road, bridge and railway engineer), in my spare time I started to deal with the technical history of the region, researching the history of Temesköz (Bánát/Bánság) (old engravings of Temevár).

Overcoming the many obstacles, I managed to publish mainly my national studies books on many topics.

For several years, I was the regional president of the Partium and Bánág Monuments and Monuments Association. Until my illness, I participated in the conferences of the Transylvanian Hungarian Technical Science Society (EMT) every year.

I'm not used to promoting myself, but after being silent for the last few years, I decided to send my proposal for the intellectual patriot award.

Whole armies operate in the successor states to erase Hungarian technical monuments, calling them Austrian or their own.

To my great regret, Hungarian Internet users also slander Romanian, Slovak, and Austrian counterfeit material out of thin air.

I believe that with my activity I have succeeded, at least in part, in correcting the sloppy, often sloppy documents. I based my books on original documents, so I managed to neutralize the poisonous arrows many times.

I think I deserve the award.

Dr. Árpád Jancsó, Timisoara

Publications of Árpád Jancsó:

Special publications, books

1. Vasile Munteanu, Árpád Jancsó: Întreţinerea drumurilor. Secțiunea 14. Întreţinerea acostamentelor şi trotuarelor; Centrul de editare CFDP Eurohot; Bucharest; 1994

2. Árpád Jancsó: Hungarian-Romanian; Romanian-Hungarian Road Technical Dictionary; Technical Translator and Service Provider RT; Budapest; 1996

ISBN 963 622 162 4

3 Árpád Jancsó: Chronicle of the Bega Bridges in Temesvár; Published by the Hungarian Road Company; Budapest-Timesvár; 1999

ISBN 963 03 92356

4. Árpád Jancsó: Drumul meu în MLM; Publisher Mirton; Timisoara; 1998

ISBN 973-578-656-7

5. Árpád Jancsó: Documents for the history of Timisoara's bridges built at the beginning of the twentieth century; Mirton Book Publishers; Timisoara; 2000

ISBN 973-585-138-5

6. Árpád Jancsó: We step on them. The roads of Bánság in the 19th century; Published by the Partium and Bánság Monument Protection and Memorial Committee, the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómelek and the Roman Catholic Bishopric of Nagyvárad; Oryvad; 2000

7. dr. Gábor Köllő, István Grigercsik, Árpád Jancsó, Gábor Futó, Klára Csetri Telegdi:

Railway construction specialist dictionary. I. Hungarian-Romanian, II. Romanian-Hungarian Published by Transylvanian Hungarian Technical Science Society Cluj and Hungarian State Railways Rt. Budapest 1st edition, 2000

ISBN 963 7085 39 4

8. Árpád Jancsó: Istoricul podurilor din Timişoara; Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Banatica XXIX, Editura Mirton; Timisoara; 2001

ISBN 973-585-383-3

9. Árpád Jancsó: Timişoara – Timisoara – Timisoara – Timisoara; Bridges across the Bega River, Editura Mirton, Timişoara, 2001

ISBN 973-585-551-8

10. Árpád Jancsó: Asphalt is not meant to be scratched. France travel notes; Mirton publishing house, Timisoara, 2002

ISBN 973-585-686-7

11. Árpád Jancsó: Temeswar und seine Brücken; Mirton Verlag; Timisoara; 2003

ISBN 973-661-068-3

12. Árpád Jancsó: A short history of Timisoara. Timisoara, 2003.

13. Árpád Jancsó and János Szekernyés: Maderspach; Art Press Book Publishing Timisoara, 2004.

ISBN 973-7911-58

14. Árpád Jancsó and János Szekernyés: Maderspach; Editura Art Press, Timisoara, 2004.

ISBN 973-7911-58-x

15. Árpád Jancsó and Loránd Balla: Timişoara veche. 16 imagini de epocă I. Editura Mirton Timişoara, 2004

ISBN 973-661-430-1, 973-661-431-X vol. I.

16. Árpád Jancsó and Loránd Balla: Timişoara veche. 16 imagini de epocă II. Editura Mirton Timişoara, 2004

ISBN 973-661-430-1, 973-661-482-4 vol. II.

17. Árpád Jancsó and Loránd Balla: Old representations of Timisoara Mentor Könyvkiadó Marosvásárhely, 2005

ISBN 973-599-127-6

18. Árpád Jancsó and Loránd Balla: Timişoara veche. Imagini de epocă III. Editura Mirton Timişoara, 2006

ISBN 973-661-430-1 general, (10)973-661-899-4, (13)978-973-661-899-4.

19. Árpád Jancsó: Tehnologii tradicione si moderne la construcţia podurilor din Banat, Teză de doctorat, Editura Politehnica, Timişoara, 2006

ISSN: 1842-581X, ISBN (10): 973-625-383-X, ISBN (13): 978-973-625-383-6

20. Árpád Jancsó: Memorabilia Anno MDCCXVI; Mirton; Timișoara/Timisoara; 2007

ISBN: 978-973-52-0063-3

21. Árpád Jancsó: Buziás then and now; Mirton Publishing House, Timișoara, 2007

ISBN 978-973-52-0100-5

22. Árpád Jancsó: The first genealogy of the Banát roads. Prima carte a drumurilor din Banat. 1848, Politehnica Publishing House–Editura Politehnica, Timisoara-Timişoara, 2007

ISBN 978-973-625-460-4

23. Árpád Jancsó: The Bega, the pampered river of Bánság; Mirton Publishing House, Timișoara, 2007

ISBN: 978-973-52-0220-0

24. Árpád Jancsó: Temesvár hydropower plant; Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj, 2010

ISBN 978-606-8178-07-3


25. Árpád Jancsó: Hărţile tipărite ale Timişoarei ׀ Printed maps of Timisoara 1850–2010; Cosmopolitanart, Timisoara, 2011

ISBN 978-606-8389-00-4

26. Árpád Jancsó: The history of the Arad–Temesvár railway line. Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj, 2012

ISBN 978-606-8178-48-6


27. Árpád Jancsó: Clisura Dunării în gravuri din secolul al XVIII-lea. Editura Eurostampa, Timișoara, 2013

ISBN 978-606-569-586-3

28. Árpád Jancsó: The history of the Oravica–Anina mountain railway. Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj, 2013

ISBN 978-606-8178-86-8


29. Árpád Jancsó: Iconography of Bánát castles, localities, places 1595–1800. I. Engravings. Eurostamp, Timisoara, 2016

ISBN 978-606-32-0200-1

ISBN 978-606-30-0201-8

30. Árpád Jancsó: Iconographia Temesvariensis 1716.

Editura Universității de Vest, Timișoara, 2016 ISBN 978-973-125-512-5

Progressive Press, Békéscsaba, 2016. ISBN 978-963-12-7023-5

31. Árpád Jancsó: Artifacts on the Jaszenova–Oravica–Anina railway line. Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj, 2016. ISBN 978-606-739-071-1


32. Árpád Jancsó: The first vicinal of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The history of the Valkány–Perjámos–Varjas railway line. Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj, 2017

ISBN 978-606-739-087-2

ISSN 2068-3103


33. Árpád Jancsó: Timisoara's ninth railway line. The history of the Timisoara–Szentandrás–Varjas railway of local interest. Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj, 2018

ISBN 978-606-739-109-1

ISSN 2068-3103


34. Árpád Jancsó: The history of the Temesvár horse railway 1869–1899. Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj, 2019

ISBN: 978-606-739-130-5

ISSN 2068-3103

TTF 13

35. Árpád Jancsó: The history of the Temesvár–Lippa–Radna railway of local interest. Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj, 2020

ISBN: 978-606-739-168-8

ISSN: 2068-3103

DOI: 10.36241/ttf-15


36. Árpád Jancsó: Synagogues of Timisoara. Kriterion Publishing House, Cluj, 2020

ISBN: 978-973-261-253-8

37. Árpád Jancsó: Bánát's first railway: the history of the Oravica-Báziás railway line. Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj, 2021

ISBN: 978-606-739-204-3

DOI: 10.36241/ttf-16


38. Árpád Jancsó: The West has entered Timisoara. The history of the Szeged–Temesvár railway line

In press. It will be released in December 2023

In preparation

39. Árpád Jancsó: Railway to the Danube! The Timisoara–Báziás railway line

Finished manuscript. It will be released in 2024.

40. Árpád Jancsó: Pathmates. Railway communication, signaling and safety equipment

Finished manuscript. It will be released in 2024.

41. Árpád Jancsó: So that they don't take the locomotive on an ox cart. The Vojtek–Németbogsán railway line.

A half-finished manuscript.

42. Enikő Bitay and Árpád Jancsó: History of the Nagyvárad-Clujsvár railway line and the Clujsvár station

Finished manuscript.