We can get another glimpse of Now or Never! in the film, which was revealed to be shown on March 14.

"Two-minute time travel to the Hungary of 1848! Guides: Sándor Petőfi, Júlia Szendrey and the young people of March. Only here, only with us! The story of the most famous day in Hungarian history, as it happened and as it could have happened..." wrote creative producer Philip Rákay in his Facebook post.

Rákay also talked about it earlier: the makers of the adventure film being prepared for the 200th anniversary of Petőfi paid attention to even the smallest detail, so that not only the sets and costumes, but also all the elements of the film were perfectly contemporary.

The focus of the film is of course Sándor Petőfi and the March youth. The film condenses only one day into a series of events: it takes viewers back to the dawn of the revolution, March 15, 1848, while presenting both fictional and historically authentic elements.

Philip Rákay, as a guest of the program Libretto on the M5 cultural channel, previously said: they strove for authenticity to the point of "splitting hairs".

"Everything in Pilvax from the movie was the same as the original: the wallpaper, the wall arms and the chandeliers were made in the same scale and detail as the original. The newspapers on the tables, inside and out, were the ones that were published at that time, on March 15th. Based on peaceful recipes, we baked and cooked the dishes that could be ordered there at that time.

Working in such a realistic environment in a costume film is something quite amazing," said the communication and media specialist about the behind-the-scenes work.

Philip Rákay added that they deviated from reality in the film only if it was particularly justified by some creative, cinematic aspect, because they did not aim to derail history from its course. This is how, in consultation with historians, the character of the film's antagonist was created, an Austrian secret policeman whose task it was to stop Petőfi and his companions.

The Now or Never! It will be released in theaters on March 14, 2024.


Cover image: Rákay Philip published the new trailer for the Petőfi film
Source: Facebook/Rákay Philip