The king of rock'n'roll will be brought to life this year in a show: At the Elvis Evolution performance, artificial intelligence will help the audience experience the encounter with the legend who died in 1977.

The new show, 'Elvis Evolution', will debut in London in November, followed by Las Vegas, Berlin and Tokyo. The British company Layered Reality, which specializes in immersive experiences, has produced AI-generated shows before.

The company's representatives describe the production as an "overwhelming concert experience", where a life-size digital Elvis "relives iconic moments in music history on a British stage for the first time".

"It's a new generation tribute," explained Andrew McGuinness, head of the British company, which put together the show using artificial intelligence, holograms and live theater effects, among other things.

Elvis remains a global superstar, and people around the world no longer want to sit back and passively listen – they want to be a part of it.

By the way, Layered Reality signed a multi-million HUF contract for the show with those who manage the King's estate, which gave them access to a lot of photos and personal videos.

Elvis Evolution will reportedly follow the singer's rise and years at the top.

Concerts generated by artificial intelligence are becoming more and more trendy. For example, KISS gave their last live concert in December, but they promised to return as a digital avatar.

We can be forever young and forever iconic by taking us to places we've never even dreamed of.

said Gene Simmons, KISS bassist. "With technology, Paul (Stanley) will jump higher than he ever has."

In 2022, the band ABBA launched its virtual concert called "Voyage" in London, for which it used similar types of digital avatars.

Source: Magyar Hírlap /

Photo: Pixabay