According to the left-wing Pécs city administration, the inventory listing local values ​​"doesn't even interest a shooting range dog" - it also includes the Mecsek Dance Ensemble. 

The Mecsek Dance Ensemble can hardly do anything about the fact that they need a new home due to the life-threatening nature of the Szivárvány Gyermekház, built in the socialist era with an IMS structure, but the current left-wing city administration began to discredit the organization that cares for Hungarian culture with a one-sided message through the press before Christmas, wrote the bama .hu.

The left-wing town hall of Pécs could not even describe the name of the Mecsek Dance Group in the subject of the notice with which they wanted to cover up the organization. The local government has been at war with the dancers for years, which is probably also due to the fact that the group definitely represents Pécs, Hungarian, and Carpathian values, while the left-wing town hall does not attach much importance to this. This attitude was also reflected in the way the local government recently spoke about the inventory listing the values ​​of Pécs, saying that "not even a shooting range dog is interested" - the Mecsek Dance Ensemble is also included in this.

The local government of Gyurcsány candidate Attila Péterffy pulled the ground out from under the dance group: four years ago, a general assembly decision was made that the Natural History Museum would move from its current location and get a new, permanent exhibition space on Széchenyi Square. However, the leftists who seized power prevented this, even though the relocation of the museum to the county hall building had already begun.

The plan was to turn the museum into a House of Hungarian Folk Music and Folk Dance, so the renovation of the property began. The building on Szabadság Street was supposed to be leased to the Mecsek Dance Ensemble, but the elite members of the Gyurcsány association rejected this with various excuses.  

The Mecsek Dance Group was also recently pulled out by the fact that the Szivárvány Gyermekház, an IMS building built in the socialist era, became life-threatening, and although the previous, right-wing city administration renovated several IMS buildings in Pécs, it did not have time to do so because they arrived The Péterffys, who, on the other hand, did not take any significant steps.

Before Christmas, they attacked the dance group in a statement in which the affected party, the group that fell victim to what happened, was not even given the opportunity to express its opinion, so it is not known whether they made false statements about the request of the Pécs dancers or not.

According to the left, "although the local government offers a partnership in the search for a test site, the NGO makes demands that the local government cannot satisfy". According to them, they were given several offers, but they were dissatisfied. The deputy mayor of Ferenc Gyurcsány's party, DK's Zag Gábor, then gave instructions to the civilians, stating that the "civilian organization must also show a willingness to come to an agreement".

The faction leader of the national side, Péter Csizmadia (Fidesz), evaluated all of this on his social media site as

"the left-wing city administration put the Mecsek Dance Ensemble on the street as a Christmas present, and then tries to defend itself in a press release in which Attila Péterffy's journalists did not even manage to find the name of the Mecsek Dance Ensemble". 

By the way, the leader of the faction announced in the fall that if the national side is voted for, they will establish the House of Hungarian Folklore, where the communities that preserve Hungarian national values ​​will receive a well-used, usable community space from the city.

Photo: Facebook / Mecsek Dance Group