People who listen to the news can be disappointed every day in the behavior of the European Union, which is not an ally at all.

Something strange happened to me. I was looking for a document in one of my drawers, which I couldn't find, but I did come across a piece of writing that I had written at least five years ago, if I remember correctly, intended for a Transylvanian monthly newspaper. We were at the end of December, in the end I didn't send the letter, the exact title was anyway: new year, the time has come. The title quoted a children's poem that reads:

"A new year is coming, / your mouth opens to speak, / I wish all your wishes / would come true: / – Girls always laugh! / – Boys grow mustaches! / – Let men and women be happy, / never do harm to others!”

Well, I don't know how any of their wishes were fulfilled at that time, but what surprised me was that it was as if time had stopped. Because what I wrote years ago as my own wish, I can write it unchanged now. Surely the dear reader can determine from this article whether our wishes have changed significantly since then? At least I think they haven't changed much! Whether they have been fulfilled is, of course, another matter. What was the wish list at the time? At least mine is! Well, quoting from it, as follows: "With ever-deepening faith, I wish everyone to bear the slaps received from and for the country with dignity. Try to look with humor at the soaring of the minute man blue who lied to be indispensable, and by practicing the virtue of forgiveness, trust that this kind of "viewing" will also enrich your experiences.

And don't believe for a minute that he himself is unnecessary. Only right now, time has something else in store for him.

Recently, I see that a significant number of people are in a state of mental torment, not really financially. As if it had not been possible to awaken hope in many. They are fed up with the sexless battles, the stupidity of the "almighty" union, the incited hatred, the climate hysteria, the inexplicable forcing of "inclusion", the non-stop vilification of our faith and culture from across the border, the daily news of bombings and stabbings. Although we - compared to Western Europe - live in a peaceful and safe place. However, that thought has been planted in many people in the last couple of decades: how long? Because the people who listen to the news can experience the evils of the new slave system on a global scale every day, they can be disappointed in the not-at-all-ally attitude of the European Union, and they can also see how little Hungary tries to prove its own truth against domestic traitors who are always and always at the mercy of the country. For years!

And indeed, in these years, the faith of many has worn out. You should give them faith. However, this is a very difficult task. I'm not talking about faith in God, because you get it from above. Or you don't get it. I mean trust-building faith. And if someone asks what is needed for this, how can even a non-believer believe in the everyday, well, I can only answer: cooperation and culture. With the wonderful Hungarian culture!

Fölszállott with the peacock shows, the Virtuosos, the wonderful Hungarian literature, prose, poetry and music. Which can be accessed almost for free. Do all this with a soul-building intention! With small and big gestures that don't cost anything. For example, to speak correct Hungarian on radio, television, and on stage. So that those who can broadcast and support much more soul-building culture, whether it be a public service institution or politics, if only to offset substandard commercial taxes and mostly not series about Hungarian life.

As an incorrigible idealist, I believe in the community-creating power of culture. And also in the fact that one of the most important tasks is to stop all those who do not want to build, but to destroy.

And they also destroy: public taste, the values ​​left to us, our intellectual heritage. Let's stop the unscrupulous peddlers who would sell off everything that is our intellectual property or material heritage and tradition. Dare to dream big, said a much-attacked politician not too long ago. He was right. This is what we can wish for ourselves in the new year - well, that we don't give space to the destroyers, to the "moderns" who imagine the world to be one color, and intend to fill it with an unrecognizable mass. Whether so many wishes are too many or too few is up to each person to decide."

Well, the sentences above were written at least five years ago. How much have our wishes changed in all this time? Are they outdated? And has time stopped?

Hungarian Newspaper

Featured image: MTI Photo: Imre Földi