Two months after the birth of her daughter, Katinka Hosszú returned to the pool and set her sights on the Paris Olympics. interviewed the three-time Olympic champion on Friday .

"Today I'm as focused as I used to be, but I don't have nearly as much time to train, rest, or regenerate. Probably…

It's not likely, it's more certain that it won't be the same as before"

Katinka Hosszú revealed.

The Hungarian athlete also reported that he is preparing for the Olympics in a different way.

"That's why I don't even look at what I achieved before, or what the profession and the fans expect from me. Rather, this period in my life is an extremely exciting, a kind of human experiment on my own body"

said the three-time Olympic champion.

Katinka Hosszú also revealed some things about her training plan. "I love putting together a workout plan. The gym is completely supervised by Máté (Máté Gelencsér, Katinka Hosszú's husband and trainer - ed.), he knows much more in this area than I do. Overall, the two of us put it all together," he told the paper.

It looks like the Paris Olympics will not be the last in Katinka Hosszú's career.

Even now, "I can't say that it's over," the athlete said optimistically.

Featured image: Katinka Hosszú's Facebook page