Do they still remember? The Czechoslovaks are coming! The Czechoslovaks are coming! And they came, and we could go home instead of the Mexican vet.

Now the Swedes are coming. Or they don't come. Or even so. Or not? And if so, why? Because their prime minister, Mr. Ulf Kristersson, the rather intemperate leader of the Moderate Party, is coming to negotiate, and he does not want to talk about the very reason why Viktor Orbán invited him. In fact, he originally did not want to talk about anything in the world, and he explained this between his two publicly funded birthday bashes, saying that there was nothing to discuss.

When did he realize that he was?

Sandbox in the kindergarten. Ulfika, the grown-up preschooler, accepted with a sulk that the little boy she was constantly kicking didn't want to play with her, so she decided not to talk to him. Then he thought that otherwise he would be out of the game, so he tried to talk to him anyway. But only so that you don't have to talk to him. Or if so, just so that you can keep kicking yourself in the meantime.

These Swedish boys think they are the vikings and we are the subjugated barbarians to do with them what they want, which we have to watch and put up with.

After all, they are the great conquerors, and we are the helpless subjects who can be humiliated at any time, but for whom it is forbidden to object, they are obliged to tolerate without objection that the brilliant northerners wipe the soles of our shoes whenever they like.

And Kurt Kristersson is slowly changing his name, in the future he will be addressed as Ulf Istensson. He is the Lord who very graciously descends among us and prescribes to us what we can negotiate about and what we can't, while they come to us to ask in principle. But in their arrogant arrogance, they have no such thing in mind, because they think that we, the subjects, have a duty to submit to the will of the powers without a word, and even with moved joy, and to vote for their NATO accession with all our hands and feet. There is no other option.

Apologize for the many false insults they constantly allow themselves towards us? No way! Rather, the Hungarians should beg for forgiveness for existing at all.

The greatness of Sweden rises above us like the peaks of the Himalayas, or so they say. What does it matter that, thanks to their Libshevik policy, they managed to fight their way from the once prosperous and envied country to the level of a South American terrorist state, where the daily program is the street war of criminal gangs, bombings and firefights, but at least they do not discriminate between people. Not only the migrant criminal gangs write each other, but they also kill the native Swedes, and they can, because the descendants of the Vikings are merciless warriors when they have to fight against us, but they are trembling little mice when they have to fight with imported cats.

Their hatred of Hungarians raised to the state level with their collection of lies projected to their children in public schools.

Of course you can hate us, but it is the highest degree of meanness that they want to instill this politically motivated hatred in children. And the fact that in this "creation" that is a lie to the last letter, the most despicable figure is a son of our country, is just icing on the cake. Of course it's spoiled, rotten foam, be foam.

So the Swedish prime minister deigns to push his huge ego here, in his reading he lowers himself among the people of dust. Presumably, he visits the Hungarian Prime Minister in the belief that he will read to him, educate him, corner him, but if he really believes this, he does not know Viktor Orbán at all. I wouldn't be surprised if the meeting turns out to be very short, because if you don't want to discuss the terms of their NATO accession, then there is nothing to talk about.

At most, "Farväl, herr premiärminister", but see you, Mr. Prime Minister!

Author: György Tóth Jr

Cover photo: Ulf Kristersson, Prime Minister of Sweden
MTI/EPA/Julien Warnand