I have read few more tasteless headlines and articles than the one produced by Telex near DK today, the Fidesz faction leader wrote on Facebook.

In addition, they did the dirty work with two female authors.

It just so happened that the corrupt club radio communist called Arató published an article on Sunday about two mothers (Katalin Novák and Judit Varga) under the title "Exchanging Sluts". The left-wing politicians who were otherwise so sensitive have been silent ever since, just like the dollar media competing for foreign money and spying on the wishes of the Gyurcsánys. After the general outrage, Arató lied (as he learned on the club radio), that he had not published the article like that, and then when it became ridiculous even in front of his own people, it was deleted.

Well, that's what Telex near DK thought of, that they write about the case for the sake of "authentic and - of course - very independent information", days later, to which they added the address shown in the picture.

Well, dear author ladies! It wasn't the right-wing press that "jumped on" this "rubber bone" (as they call it), but all people with common sense. I see that they are trying very hard to serve their rights, and the trivialization is already going well, but in their great efforts, have they thought about how they will feel if someone talks about you like that in public? And did they think that after this they won't be able to do all of this themselves? And if someone does get upset, then following you, it will only be enough to say after a few days that someone "jumped on this rubber bone". Did you count these?

And I don't know if they have children, but if so, what will they say about all this?

Well, you managed to try so hard for a little collegial praise that from now on, if the same thing happens to you, even though there will be many of us who will think similarly to Arató's article, it will have less significance.

It's a shame that their name was sacrificed for this unscrupulous club radio.

Featured image: MN/Zoltán Havrán