They "ruled over" the country in barely a decade and a half.

The Online Maps Blog shared two maps of Italy on its site.

The two figures show which were the largest minority groups in the country in 2000 and 2020 according to provincial, metropolitan, regional and local government consortia.

A post taken from the Mapporn Reddit page revealed that

in barely a decade and a half, the Romanians "conquered" the country,

the flag of another nation is barely visible in the drawing.

Brave man: a Romanian linguist proved that Romanians only appeared in Transylvania around 1000

The theory of Daco-Roman continuity seems to be falling apart

There may be historical, cultural and linguistic reasons behind the fact that Romanian citizens try their luck in Italy. Although recent studies have shown that

the Romanians appeared in Transylvania only around 1000,

thus, the theory of Daco-Roman continuity seems to fall apart.

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