Infostart conducted an interview with the history instructor of the Hungarian Institute of the Ungvár National University , in which Richárd Mihók said that he sees no chance of the war ending completely.

"The number will decrease from the current hundreds per day to 1-2 or 10 deaths per day. A demarcation line will be formed at the current front lines. There may be a ceasefire, but I don't think it's peace"

he expressed his opinion. Mihók sees that the war will definitely continue this year, and Russia will at least wait for the American presidential election.

You cannot leave Ukraine

The instructor of the Hungarian institute is a man of military age who cannot leave the country. As a teacher, he enjoys an exemption from military service, but this may even change with the tightening of mobilization. When asked what life is like for a man between the ages of 18 and 60 in Transcarpathia, Richárd Mihók answered: it is frustrating, uncertain.

The mobilization order can come at any time"

he noted. They try to live normal weekdays as much as possible. However, he is worried that at any time they can pass a decree that states that from now on teachers can also be mobilized, so they cannot be completely calm.

Men have been restricted in free movement for two years now.

Not only are they not allowed to leave the country, but they are also restricted in their movement between settlements, as military checkpoints have been set up in several places where vehicles are stopped and searched. "If you don't have a waiver, it's better not to go, because at such a checkpoint you would immediately receive a military call-up," said the instructor, who

the effects of the war are also felt on the economy.

The price of potatoes and other products is breaking records, and the prospect of raising electricity tariffs for the second time, despite the wartime moratorium on utility increases, has once again been raised. "Many people lost their jobs, in fact, many people voluntarily left their jobs because they were afraid that they would be searched for and mobilized there. However, now at least there is electricity, we did not have to spend the winter in the dark, as in 2022, and the fuel supply is unobstructed, unlike in the spring and summer of 2022. Food prices, on the other hand, have clearly increased, and if the price of electricity is raised to 6 hryvnias, i.e. double, it will put another additional burden on the population," said the lecturer of the Hungarian Institute of the Ungvár National University.

Featured image: Illustration / MTI/EPA/Yurij Kochetkov