"Let's not celebrate the resurrection with the murder of children," said the provocateurs with artificial blood.

The Hungarian Animal Rights Corps (HARC), a vegan group, demonstrated for the rights of animals on the occasion of Easter in front of St. Peter's Church in Alcantara, on Ferenciek Square. Their installation included, among other things, a set up wooden cross, a plush bunny crying artificial blood, a conveyor belt with (artificial) blooded plush chicks and a plastic doll representing a flayed lamb.

With the action, the activist group wanted to draw attention to the fact that, in their opinion, like all our Christian holidays, more animals suffer and die on Easter than usual.

we consume more eggs, while "in the egg industry, chickens are ground up alive, gassed or suffocated in sacks", because of chocolate eggs "dairy cows are forcibly fertilized and their children are taken away", and people quickly get tired of the rabbits given as gifts on the occasion of Easter, they are neglected, and the the animals end up on the street.

"By buying eggs, other animal products or animals at Easter, we are paying animal cruelty industries to continue abusing animals," they said in a statement.

"Let's not celebrate the resurrection with infanticide," they pointed to the chicks slaughtered on the occasion of Easter.


Cover image: The vegan activist group pushes with anti-Easter messages
Source: Facebook/Hungarian Animal Rights Corps – HARC