The threat of a world war is a risk that should make all politicians think twice, but we do not see this, said Government Information, where it was revealed that next year's budget proposal will not be submitted by the Minister of Finance until November, after the American elections. In addition, the home renovation program and issues affecting the agricultural sector were also discussed.

Gergely Gulyás said at the beginning of Thursday's Kormányinfo that he analyzed the current international and military situation at the government meeting on Tuesday.

We are in a very dangerous moment. The next six months will be decisive from the point of view of whether the world and Europe will move in the direction of war or peace, the minister said.

Now Europe's dominant politicians are talking about sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine, Gergely Gulyás reminded.

The war fever spread from the Brussels bureaucrats to NATO. NATO is now preparing to practically join the war on the side of Ukraine. They want to create a 100 million dollar fund within the framework of the NATO-Ukrainian mission. With this, they want to directly coordinate arms shipments and military training, he pointed out.

"With this, the border that NATO soldiers do not enter the territory of Ukraine is becoming blurred day by day. The war fever spread from the bureaucrats in Brussels to NATO and the NATO commanders," Gergely Gulyás emphasized.

Hungary sees NATO as a defense alliance that wants to protect each other. "The danger of world war is a risk that should make all politicians think, but we don't see it," said the minister.

Gergely Gulyás reminded: the position of the Hungarian government is unchanged that there is no military solution to the war, a ceasefire and peace negotiations are needed.

The minister also said that the government had considered what a long, wartime era would mean for the Hungarian economy.

He emphasized that a period of war requires a fundamentally different economic policy, and the most important decision in this regard will be made by the Americans this November. The 2025 budget proposal will therefore be submitted in November.

In order to protect Hungary's national sovereignty, the government appointed a chief national security adviser in the person of Bíró Marcell, who had already attended the government meeting. Half of them are for coordinating national security, national defense and law enforcement activities, the minister said.

Gergely Gulyás reminded that Hungary will continue to use all diplomatic tools, and within NATO will also represent the direction that it will not support any decision that would lead to the risk of a world war.

"We will do everything to ensure that Hungary is threatened with the smallest possible danger, even in spite of other countries' or NATO's decision to increase the risk of a world war," he said.

Speaking about the migration pact adopted by the European Parliament, Gergely Gulyás repeated the Hungarian position: the EP made a wrong decision.

"Even in the European Parliament, these legislative drafts passed with only a 55-56 percent majority," he said.

As he said, they join Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who said that he will not accept any redistribution and will not financially support illegal migration. The Minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office reminded:

they refuse the mandatory redistribution or the payment of the penalties imposed due to its refusal.

He emphasized that this decision is unenforceable and does not help Europe. "Hungary and Hungarian society must be protected," he emphasized.

Finance Minister Mihály Varga reminded the Government Info: we are in a war situation, the EU is coming out of the crisis more slowly than expected, Germany is also getting sick, and foreign markets are also weak. He added that last year the government helped the economy by curbing inflation and restoring balance.

Hungary will return to the growth path this year, the expansion may be 2.5 percent, next year the growth may be 4.1 percent. The high investment rate and rising real earnings can help the expansion, Varga said, according to whom the budget deficit could be 4.5 percent this year and 3.25 percent next year, and the state debt will also decrease in parallel.

According to Varga, the government is rescheduling HUF 675 billion in investments, but in addition to all this, HUF 2,000 billion in investments will be realized.

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy spoke on Kormányinfo that there is an unprecedented green pressure on the agricultural sector, and that the Green Deal lacks any professional basis. European farmers have lost their competitiveness, he pointed out, then reminded: the EU previously opened its market to Ukrainian grain.

"Severe oversupply and low crop prices characterize the European market. Brussels and the European Commission have betrayed the Hungarian farmers and the Ukrainian oligarchs," said the minister, who said that in such a situation, government assistance is more valuable.

"The government has adopted new import-related measures under national authority to further eliminate Ukrainian imports. It speeds up payments to farmers, provides an additional HUF 45 billion for the Agrár Széchenyi Card until 2026, and farmers can claim back a part of the fuel price if they use diesel, HUF 200 billion will go to applications for the processing industry and HUF 200 billion for animal farms, in addition April Between June 10 and June 10, farmers can submit their applications for 44 forms of support," István Nagy listed.


Cover image: Three ministers were also present at the Government Information
Source: Origo/Attila Polyák