During elections, we often feel that there is something to change. We civilians, however, cannot forget that not only the government, but also us have something to do with the current circumstances.

The results are shared, but we also have to share the mistakes together. We must face reality through the lens of objectivity. Let's face it, sometimes it's not that easy.

They chirp like a siren to the politician's siren. On the other hand, it is obligatory for us to look back on the past years, to take stock of the good and the bad.

In 2010, we realized that you cannot lead a country, or even a nation, by accumulating mistakes after mistakes. We went bankrupt. We started on the path of real system change.

The world events around us have made our fate more difficult, it is enough to recall the natural disasters or even the covid epidemic. We have to constantly climb uphill, of course it would be easier if the task was flat running.

We stopped the mud, rebuilt it, made our environment livable. It must not be forgotten that the Gyurcsány era, riddled with Bajnai Gordon's hiding in the dark, made our economy a wasteland. We understand the predatory privatization, tens of thousands of people drifted into foreign currency debts, while the pompous heads of government ruining the country and their fancy company beat up their own people.

We have come a long way together. With the listening but good-natured neutrals who kept their vote, but it can be established that they saw the two-thirds government as the guarantee of their future.

Our nation became stronger, and the long series of peace marches that have since become a tradition are a shining example of our togetherness.

Until now, we have kept our internal and external enemies under control, we have defended our freedom peacefully and quietly, often with clenched teeth.

European citizens can now turn into a spiritual national defense army during the EU representative and local government elections.

Our weapon is peace, which takes everything, and if we use the power of our votes well, we can achieve a ceasefire in the Russian-Ukrainian war, and then a compromise peace at the negotiating tables. We can write history, let the noon bell warn us.

The stakes are huge. With good intentions, we can send a turning wind into the sails of Europe's ship.

Our ship must turn to the right, towards the preservation of Judeo-Christian culture, the preservation of the indigenous people of Europe and the land of the continent.

You use more reason than force, just as our government has done wisely so far. In contrast, many leaders of European countries are pro-war. Their idealism is doomed. Even though they hope for war and sacrifice our sons and daughters, on June 9, 2024, they may receive a sealed letter stating that they have lost.

In Europe, after two world wars, as a result of the work of our intellectual patriots, we look with open eyes at the little Napoleons who look down on their people and the American and European elite who fill their wallets and thrive in prosperity. The people's majesty draws a ceiling over their deceitful actions. Szélhámos, in the guise of dream messiahs, cannot continue betraying the freedom of their people. Not their God, not their country, not their family.

The citizens of Europe can now join together to form a virtual spiritual army. We must march to the polls, because with our votes we can prove that our continent will soon have a better, more peaceful future.

László Csizmadia is the chairman of CÖKA's board of trustees