We are in trouble in this damn dictatorship, in this bigoted, backward, tragically primitive, utterly isolated scumbag.

This baggage, stuck in feudalism, cannot proclaim that it is Christian-conservative, while the foot of progress has long since set foot in developed Europe, kicks out Christians and Jews, and allows unrestricted access to the sexual rapist, who explodes only occasionally here and there, modestly hides, hardly every two days, for millions who really want to live well, not to work, but to live well. Towards the great unity, the infinitely blessed Eurábia!

This hybrid democracy (whatever that means) is a nefarious obstacle to the other sacred goal, the outbreak of World War III. These scumbags don't want the Russians and Ukrainians killing each other, even though if they keep doing it this effectively for a while, they'll be a boon to the great foreign investors. They will have plenty of arable land and will have unhindered access to cheap energy sources and mineral resources, because there will be no Ukrainians left who could oppose this.

The third cardinal sin, on the other hand, is that your eyes are not willing to accept the simple fact that there can be up to a hundred different genders, and this must be taught even to kindergarteners. Of course, they don't take note of what Europe's wise men have decided, namely that men can also menstruate and give birth. This is a basic human right, but these Hungarians do not respect human rights. Even now, they are stuck where the backward, stone-age thinking is, because

they still believe that the first Sunday of May is Mother's Day.

What are they doing here? There is no mother because it is offensive and discriminatory. There are only one and two parents, or at least a parent. With the English, this is already a fact, mothers don't sunbathe there, because they are completely enlightened. There are schools where instead of the incompetent mother and father, the term "adult" is used, which is forward-looking and to be welcomed. It's time to finally put things in order at home.

If it is true that the nation lives in its language, then the reforms must start with the language. Don't you think that instead of "My mother's hen" "One of my parents' hen" sounds much better? In fact, even this is not completely correct, since the name hen also refers to the gender of the animal, which can hurt your sense of self. The correct and correct title will sound like this:

"One of my parent's egg-laying birds". It's different, isn't it?

Then there is the poem of a discriminator named Attila József. What is "I've been thinking about mom for a week now"? The acceptable version: "For a week now, I've only been thinking about my biological parent." Would they have thought? That's good!

The very first line of Jenő Dsida's poem "Thanksgiving" is outrageous and therefore needs to be rewritten: "Thank you, God, for my mother!" It is also doubly repulsive, because it is not only mothering, but it also says "Oh my God". This concept is no longer used in modern Europe. Cow: correctly "Thank you, my single parent does not exist!"

But we could go on. The first stanza of Magda Donászy's outrageously discriminatory poem "Ajándék" reads: "With a colored pencil / I drew a picture, / on Mother's Day morning, / For you, my mother." You are the contagionist! It is much more apt and correct like this: "With a colored pencil / I drew a picture, / on some parents' day / my parent for you."

In the future, there is no "mother's milk", only "parental milk", perhaps "adult milk", as is used in some British hospitals. There is no "motherland", only "parental homeland", the "motherland" is to be persecuted, we can properly refer to "one parentage", but it would also not be a problem if instead of "material ones" the designation "one parentage" gained citizenship.

We are only in trouble with "Mother Nature", doubly so. Neither the "single parent" nature nor the "parent parent nature" are really frank.


and we are also in trouble with it because the term "mother nature" contains the concept of "nature", which does not want to match LGBTQ content.

I am ashamed because my intellectual development does not even scratch the surface of the wonderful development that propels progressive humanity to noble heights. I'm lagging behind here, scratching my head in a state of congealment and because I'm immature, I think he's all idiots trying to dictate to normal people. I know it's a delusion, but it's good for me too. In fact, that's the only thing that's good.

For me, Mother's Day is a holiday when we thank our mothers and grandmothers for our lives, we thank them for raising us with dignity and taking care of us.

And you, unfortunate pioneers, just celebrate your sweet parents who failed to raise normal people out of you.

Cover image: Biff And I / Facebook