The Gondosóra program will be expanded, the supply of medicine will improve.

In order to make it easier for people over the age of 65 to get medication, the Government Service Center Nonprofit Kft. and the Hungarian Chamber of Pharmacists (MGYK) signed a cooperation agreement on Friday in Budapest. At the signing of the document, Chamber President Zoltán Hankó said,

 the first step in joining the program is educating the pharmacists and gaining their support

to promote the Gondosóra.

According to his description, in the past months, a pilot program was used to model how the supply of medicine to small settlements without a pharmacy can be ensured in cooperation between the nearest pharmacy and the municipality. The Gondosóra program will be able to provide a solution in this area as well, he added. Roland Juhász, managing director of the Government Service Center Nonprofit Kft., said that 600,000 people currently use the Gondosóra, and every fourth person over the age of 65 has such a device.

In further stages of cooperation

the dispatch service receives training on how to help the people living in small settlements with information and information

so that, by definition, he does not take over the duties of a pharmacist. The Gondosóra program will be able to help ensure the safety and smoothness of drug supply, the executive emphasized.

He added:

the dispatch center receives an average of three thousand calls per day, and 5-10 percent of the calls turn out to be specific emergency calls.

Since the start of the program, people in need have called for help through the dispatch service in more than ten thousand cases. He indicated: they receive positive feedback from the users regarding the Gondosóra program, and cooperation contracts are concluded with more and more professional organizations - ambulance service, civil guard.


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