On June 1, people march for peace.

Zsolt Bayer Hír TV : the upcoming Peace March on June 1 has perhaps never been so relevant. "The name itself is so relevant, so perhaps it has never been a peace march.

Europe - for some mysterious reason - has decided to escalate the war, and we must act against it with all possible means.

Hungary was dragged into the world war twice, and both times we got out of it in the most tragic way," said the publicist.

Peace march on June 1

Let Hungary remain an island of peace by June 1! The Civil Solidarity Forum – Civil Solidarity Public Foundation (CÖF–CÖKA) organizes a peace march with the motto. As it turned out, their "sympathizers, the spiritual defenders of the country" have been expressing their request for a peace march again for a long time, in several letters.

László Csizmadia: we want to convey our pro-peace position to the world public

After many years of traditions and the extremely successful Peace Marches left behind, the decision was made to gather the national forces again on June 1, László Csizmadia told Origo. The leader of the Civil Solidarity Forum - Civil Solidarity Non-profit Foundation (CÖF-CÖKA) also spoke about how their sympathizers, the spiritual defenders of the country, have been expressing their request in several letters for a long time to hold a Peace March again. The June 9 European Parliament and local government elections fully support the need to hold this event.

László Csizmadia drew attention to the fact that

the focus of their current event will of course be peace, and we would like to convey our pro-peace position to the public opinion of the entire country, the Carpathian Basin and the world.

We want to send a clear message before the elections that the creation of peace is one of the most important issues in the current political situation. The head of the CÖF explained that there will be a march against left-wing fake news, the final stop of which will be Nagyrét on Margaret Island. Of course, the exact details are still being negotiated, and new elements will be expected during the process. Similarly, the list of speakers is also being negotiated. Since a part of Hungarians across the border (Slovakia, Romania) will vote in the European Parliament elections, they and their voices are also intended to be heard at the Peace March.

According to the announcement of CÖF-CÖKA

Brussels is preparing for war, and the Hungarian dollar-left politicians are supporting it. European leaders are burning with war fever. After sending money, weapons and military equipment, they are already planning to provide military assistance. Moreover, the French president would open the debate on the use of nuclear weapons. We must stop the madness of war!

We Hungarians learned at the cost of the horrors of the world wars that peace, and only peace, is the only acceptable position. Today, Hungary is an island of peace. And we want it to stay that way. We welcome all peace-loving people with the faces of the organizers of the march!