Ferenc Gyurcsány came forward with another vague post dissecting the Péter Magyar phenomenon, in which he does not specifically mention the vice-president of the Tisza Party, but hints at him. He wrote of a mysterious "Son of Man Who Came" who "must be adored with drooling saliva" and whom he believed could not be contradicted.

Anyone who contradicts him does so either because he is afraid of the truth, or because he is a member of Fidesz or DK

Gyurcsány wrote about how he thinks Péter Magyar thinks about those who disagree with him.

According to the DK president, anyone who dares to ask Magyar "will immediately become Rogán's man". Moreover, as he wrote, in his opinion the vice-president of the Tisza Party can only be adored "passing away from beauty",

you may nod while drooling, in fact, this is the expectation

- says Ferenc Gyurcsány.

In his post, the politician connected to the "messianic phenomenon" and directly called Péter Magyar the "Son of Man" who, according to him, does not tolerate doubts about his personality. At this point, the president of the DK, presumably referring to previous opposition prime minister candidates and political leaders who then failed - such as Péter Márki-Zay, Péter Jakab or Gábor Vona - wrote:

Every century, when such a person is born, he shows himself. Although, as I see it, this is not an average century. I see more. Or should I just go to an eye doctor? To an eye doctor?

he concluded his lines.

The full article can be read Index

Front page photo: Ferenc Gyurcsány, the president of the Democratic Coalition (DK) gives a speech at the Spring gathering in Miskolc, organized by the DK, MSZP and Párbeszéd-Zöldek, at the Ady Endre Mûvelõdési Ház on April 17, 2024. MTI/János Vajda