Nine years ago, the article entitled "End of the year - beginning of the year thoughts 2014-2015" was published. I'm facing this now. Let's see what I can say about the same thing today in the light of the past years and the present! I record the old writing in vertical letters and the modern thoughts in italics - writes one of our dear readers in a letter sent to our editors.

A few days ago, Viktor Orbán was asked about world politics. Among other things, he said this when he spoke about the deteriorated Hungarian-American relations: "now they are dividing the pages again in world politics."

What it means?

The fact that the real decision-makers - a few or a few dozen people, none of whom belong to the politicians who are constantly appearing in the media, because the latter are more like stage actors - decided whether the Warsaw Pact, the collapse of the Soviet Union or even earlier the II. They change the equilibrium situation established after the World War according to their own interests and according to their own will. This relative balance was the guarantee of the relative European peace of the past 70 years, not at all incidentally.

In the rarest of cases, such an intention to change means a conscious retreat, a turn to peaceful internal construction, but on the contrary: the expansion of their political and economic influence and power. Of course, all this does not happen in a vacuum, neutral space, because such a thing has not existed on the planet called Earth for a long time, but at the expense of other people, other political and economic powers.

Anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear has been able to perceive this quite clearly for a long time, but at the latest since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine: in the media, where the opponent is being demonized, even using big lies, in the international economy, mutually outbidding parties back in connection with embargoes, but mostly on the real battlefields that already exist: in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and, closest to us, in Ukraine.

No matter how bad it is to even describe it, let's not deceive ourselves: we call it all war. Ideological, media, economic, cold and bloody real war.

Wikipedia writes about the concept: “War is a large-scale violent conflict. The assertion of the interests of opposing parties through war has ranged throughout history from tribal wars to conflicts between city-states, nations and empires. The purpose of war is to enforce the interests of opposing parties by force, which can be the acquisition of territory, the acquisition/maintenance of economic resources, the spread of religious and/or political ideology."

And the writer István Fekete says: "There is no war won or lost, there is only "War"! Destructive, murderous, inhuman! Wars didn't solve any problems, but they always planted the seeds for the next one. Wars are started by a few people, but they don't fight and they don't die. Common people kill

each other, they fall into the limestone pit of a foreign land, and their homes are destroyed. They are the tools and they are the victims.”

Everyone can decide how well these definitions fit everything we are witnessing.

On the official website of the Congress of the United States of America, I read draft law No. 2277 entitled "Preventing Russian Aggression in 2014" back in August of this year. ( I found the link at the end of

It is worth reading the referenced article again, because it is shocking what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the well-known economist and publicist, Secretary of State of President Reagan, claims in 2014: the United States government wants war with Russia at any cost.

 The reference to the draft law is also separate for those who understand English:

 In it, Moldova and Georgia are named in black and white, quite openly, without any disguise, in addition to Ukraine, defining on the world chessboard the countries that they want to conquer from the Russian sphere of influence for the American one. The Hungarian expression is apt: a war of conquest is taking place.

And let's see a miracle! Which countries will the European Union start accession negotiations with in 2024? With Ukraine, which is currently at war, and with Moldova. Georgia became a candidate for membership. They do not deal with the inclusion of the countries of the Western Balkans. This shows that the world's top decision-makers have not changed their plans for 2014. They are pushing ever closer to Russia and, as they say, they want to "bring it to its knees." The III. They are not deterred by the risk of World War II, which could most likely be a nuclear war capable of destroying all of humanity. And this strategy is supported by 26 of the 27 European heads of state, ignoring the interests of their own countries and the whole of Europe. The only exception is the Prime Minister of Hungary. A respectable, brave stand. But can Russia be brought to its knees? I don't think it can be. Neither Napoleon nor Hitler succeeded. Is Biden a stronger guy? You just have to look at it. But it can't be because before that happens, they would reach for nuclear weapons. I think this is common sense.

 They talk about Russian aggression, when the Ukrainian leader who came to power in the previous democratic elections was clearly overthrown with American help, when they openly want to bring Ukraine into the bonds of NATO and the EU, when they support the Ukrainian leadership that came to power in a coup with money and now also with arms deliveries. Russia is accused of aggression when NATO held military exercises in the Black Sea off the coast of Russia and in the Baltic states, not Russia in the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of California or in Mexico.

Before the first shot is fired - whether on purpose, accidentally, as a provocation, in self-defense, or out of fear - it doesn't matter, it's necessary to state:

NATO and America are the aggressors who provoke Russia away from their main bases, and Russia is the defender along its own borders.

 Anyone who follows the news about the events can see that everything is happening consistently and according to plan. In the media, in the economy, politically and militarily, the Russian bear is cornered to such an extent that it eventually has no choice but to fight back in self-defense.

This happened at the end of February 2022.

 And then the III may actually explode. World War. Because "dealing the cards again" doesn't usually happen peacefully. This is eerily reminiscent of Germany II. For cornering before World War II.

Nothing to add: this is happening before our eyes. The so-called West provides the weapons and money and intends to hold out until the last Ukrainian soldier. As their leaders often say: "as long as necessary." Even if they risk a nuclear war. Today's leadership of Ukraine sacrifices hundreds of thousands of its soldiers on the altar of the geopolitical interests of the American empire, leaving a large part of its country to be destroyed. Millions of people fled the country. The economy is already on the ventilator of Western aid, the lack of aid would lead to an immediate complete collapse. The betrayal of these leaders is such a crime that they will not be able to escape from accountability. There is no place on earth where they will not be found after the war.

 The thinking person of today can hope that, by learning from history, the XXI. Are the decision-makers of the 20th century wise enough not to start another world war now between nuclear powers?

You can't hope.

 As long as humans have lived on Earth, there have always been wars. Even now, when I am writing these lines, and even when the dear reader is reading them, guns are roaring somewhere, people are killing each other. So I'm afraid there's no good reason to assume they won't be from now on.

And let us have no illusions: the few people who will make the final decision - or have already made it - are not the least bit concerned about whether a few thousand or even a few million people will die in the next great war. I can see them in my imagination: they smile mockingly, cynically, and shrug their shoulders.

In this situation, what can a small country like Hungary and its thinking citizens do to avoid the impending disaster? In the first approach, nothing, because no one knows who, where and exactly what strategy they are following.

One thing is certain: it doesn't matter whether we end up in the war on the side of the later "winning" or "losing" giant nuclear power, this could mean the end of Hungary and the Hungarian nation in the strictest sense of the word.

The purpose of this article is to say that, in my opinion, we do have an opportunity to act.

The front lines of the first two world wars ran through us, so unfortunately we could not have been left out of them. The front line of the current war, however, will most likely already be to the east of us.

This could be the basis of our great, historic opportunity in 2015.

And in my opinion, the same applies to 2024.

 If now, even during the Cold War, the responsible leadership of the country is well prepared and unilaterally announces at the most opportune moment that it will withdraw from NATO, and as a neutral country similar to Switzerland and Austria does not want to participate on the side of any major power in the upcoming war, then we have some chance to get through this step without major upheavals.

However, as a neutral country, we could seem like easy, defenseless prey for some Trianon successor states. In my view, this is still less of a risk than drifting into a major war.

 Because what would NATO and America do besides threatening diplomatic, commercial and financial countermeasures and bans from America? Would you attack us with tanks like the former Soviet Union? Or would you bomb a small state of a (former) ally? No, that's unlikely. We are not that important to them. They would rather continue the plans they started east of us.

However, if we remain inactive for too long and try to leave the alliance only after the outbreak of war, it would be much more risky and less likely to succeed.

Therefore, if we Hungarians do not want to participate in the nuclear war of the great powers - and I am quite sure that more than 90% of our compatriots think so - then we must use all possible means to get the leaders of our country to declare our country's neutrality in good time. (Dear Peace March organizers, now it will be really necessary to organize such marches!)

The West wants to go to war.

 We protected our country, but also the whole of Europe from the Tatars, we almost perished. Then we protected it from the Turks, and then from the Russians, also protecting the entire continent in the process, and we almost perished. And what did we get in return? Trianon, the land robbery of our country, the first, new Paris peace after the Second World War. And as long as we have been here, we have been subjected to continuous contempt, misunderstanding, hatred, exploitation, and exploitation until today, when they forced the Hungarian leadership with the most vile open blackmail and threats to act as an EU member, despite our interests, our will, and the consideration dictated by common sense. let's also support America's war against Russia with money. This is poignant. And its consequences are unforeseeable.

That's why we know with absolute certainty from many centuries of experience and from today's news: we have never received good from them, and we can't expect any today either.

 I don't want to be a member of such a union.

 Gönyű, December 31, 2014.

Gönyű, February 1, 2024.                                           

Dr. Gergely Nagy


Addendum: Draft declaration of peace

 Declaration of peace

Give me peace, Lord! Da pacem Domine!

The people of Hungary want to live in peace now and in the future. The Hungarian Parliament declares that the peace of Hungary, the security of life and property of its citizens, the integrity of the country's natural and built assets are unquestionable basic values ​​for all responsible political organizations and individuals, and therefore their preservation is the most important goal. The Parliament is guided by the provision and preservation of these basic values ​​in all its decisions, primarily foreign and security policy.

With the guidance of common sense and moderation, and in agreement with the words and spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Charter, we formulate our declaration in defense of peace and human life.

We declare that there is no international treaty that could force Hungary, the Hungarian people, to take a war role in the 20th century. the tragedies of the two world wars of the 20th century, after the Hungarian victims who self-sacrificingly defended the whole of Europe in the preceding centuries. We responsibly stand exclusively for peace, we fight exclusively with peaceful, negotiated and diplomatic means in order to preserve it. Because "this people has already sinned the past and the future."

Peace is the basic need of every people, every nation. War is never inevitable, it is always based on human decisions.

In the words of the writer István Fekete: "There is no war won or lost, only

"There's war! Destructive, murderous, inhuman! Wars didn't solve any problems, but they always planted the seeds for the next one. Wars are started by a few people, but they don't fight and they don't die. Ordinary people kill each other, they fall into the limestone pit of foreign land, and their homes are destroyed. They are the tools and they are the victims.”

Aware of the heavy responsibility we feel for the protection of the present and future generations of our nation, and learning from the painful mistakes of the past, we declare that the only reasonable and possible path for Hungary is to maintain peace, to stay away from superpower clashes, and strive for neutrality.

At the same time, we call on the responsible thinking leaders of Central Europe, the whole of Europe and the wider world to follow our example based on similar historical experiences and considerations, and to choose the path of peace instead of war, the nuclear war that could destroy us all!

May Hungary and Central Europe remain an island of peace!

Give me peace, Lord! Da pacem Domine! Da pacem Domine!

Reader letters do not necessarily reflect the position of the Civilik.Info editors.