It is necessary to enforce national aspects even more decisively and clearly.

I will tell you what I think is the most effective method for Fidesz-KDNP against the opposition movement initiated by Péter Magyar. Also, I will tell you for the first time what I think is not effective. If we attack him primarily in his person and character. We've already done that. This is only effective if additional facts come to light that reveal that Péter Magyar is a terrible villain.

Of course, many people could say why it wasn't enough for the voters to find out from Péter Hajdú's interview with Judit Varga what he did with his wife. That for many years he abused her, threatened her, trashed her wherever he could. Yes, in principle, based on this, it was already possible to draw the conclusion that

Péter Magyar is anything but a gentleman who would treat women fairly, especially his wife, the mother of his children. On the contrary, he treated her in a filthy manner. Yes, but we also have to see that this did not go over completely with the masses leaning towards the opposition.

It is safe to say that many wives hated it for life, but it is not certain that this is true for all other women and men who hate the government. If we don't face this, we are fooling ourselves.

Although it is clear that a lot of people despise Péter Magyar because what he did to his wife is intolerable, if some goal - for example, that someone they think can defeat Viktor Orbán - is considered higher than the abuse within the marriage (about which it is not possible to know exactly everything cause-and-effect relationship), then, unfortunately, it may also be that this is not what they are looking at in Hungary, but rather the potential to stop the prime minister in his 14 years of success. Whether they will be severely disappointed in this later is another matter.

On the other hand, I think it should be said: there is a figure here who badly betrayed Fidesz, the government from which he received a lot, he entered the opposition field, and with that the opposition palette expanded, and now we have a new actor and party. must also be taken into account. And how should it be taken into account?

First of all, it must be found out: to what extent and to what extent the usual foreign network is helping him, from György Soros to Action for Democracy to the American embassy and the Democrats, even to the Davos elite, and concrete facts and evidence of this must be provided to the public. This requires investigative and other types of work, but it is of great importance.

The CÖF, of which I am one of the leaders, has already taken the first steps in this matter, so Péter Magyar was on the posters as one of the beneficiaries of the rolling dollars. But it is necessary to go further, to present in articles and analyses, the real background of Magyar.

If it is possible to prove that he is neither more nor better than Karácsony, Gyurcsány, Márki-Zay or Fekete-Győr, Anna Donáth, Katalin Cseh, that is a very important result, because the majority of Hungarian voters do not like it when a politician from abroad, they control him with money, and he does what they dictate to him.

Hungarian public opinion clearly sees this as treason, and Hungarians have always despised traitors. Even if their name is Hungarian.

One of the essential elements is therefore the disclosure of Péter Magyar's possible foreign background and the unraveling of his financial financing. Not with guesses, but with facts and data. That matters a lot. Fortunately, we are already very far ahead in this, but this must be continued. The other, on the other hand, is none other than the fact that the Hungarian government, Fidesz and KDNP are not shaken by this whole Hungarian phenomenon, do not make special reactions, but consider the whole thing as a natural process. The fact that in political life there are always traitors, new party builders, people who see themselves as saviors and perhaps have some charisma, who appear on the scene from time to time and then quickly disappear in the majority of cases. This is a completely natural phenomenon in comparative political science (which I have practiced myself). In Europe, there were and are many examples of similar "jumps", recently in Mandiner, Mátyás Kohán presented some important examples of Central and Eastern European "knights of fortune", who later mostly failed.

But they may not disappear so quickly because they may have some talent, speaking and organizing skills, courage, acting ability, etc. This is not a problem either, it is also a natural part of democratic politics. Let's not deny it: Péter Magyar is a challenge that must be met. This is how politics works. If you don't understand this, you can't do anything with it.

In other words, the other side, the government, must do one thing in this case:

national interests must be represented even more decisively and openly. National aspects must be asserted even more firmly and clearly both in the European Union and in any other part of the world, from the United States to China and back (see Xi Jinping's visit). This affects voters the most.

A specific example:

the specialized organization of the UN, the World Health Organization (WHO), headed by a figure named Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, whose past is simply unacceptable, is preparing to take over the control of the nation-states together with the management of the pandemic and related issues.

The WHO has been preparing for a year to take over control of the nation-states - which would mean the end of a significant part of our sovereignty! – but since some states are trying to act against this, they have now switched to turbo gear. (I should note here that the European Union is not at all opposed to the WHO's efforts - is anyone surprised by this?) To this end, the World Health Organization has issued an "urgent" call to the countries of the world to (quoting LifeSiteNews) sign by May an agreement undermining our sovereignty their "pandemic agreement".

In a March 20 press release (available on their website), the WHO called on countries to "accelerate progress" to join their proposed treaty, the Pandemic Convention, which critics such as Canada's Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis warned the WHO would provide more power over Canada in the event of another pandemic or other so-called emergency.

"We call on the leaders of all countries to step up their efforts and ensure an effective pandemic agreement by May"

– can be read in the joint letter of high-ranking political figures.

"A New Pandemic Threat Is Coming - And There's No Excuse Not To Be Prepared" 

- they warned, calling on negotiators to redouble their efforts to meet the upcoming May 2024 deadline. The letter also advised countries not to believe malicious misinformation campaigning against the WHO.

Well, if everything is to be believed, there is a very big danger lurking in practically every country that is a member of the WHO - and it can be said that almost every country on earth is a member of the WHO. It may not be by chance that Donald Trump stated that if he becomes president again, the United States will seriously consider withdrawing from the WHO. Of course, Biden follows the WHO in everything. The good news is that both Great Britain and the Netherlands are going against the concept of setting up a first world government, and in Japan there was a huge demonstration against the rule of the WHO. And these are just a few examples of resistance.

I myself did not see any sign that we intend to oppose the amazing, ominous plans of the WHO, projecting world governance. But the consequences are terrible:

if a pandemic were to come again - and why wouldn't it come, the "well-informed" big boys already know this in advance - then the WHO could also make mandatory the mandatory administration of the highly effective version of the latest vaccine. In every country. May God save us from that! That is why I think that in order to protect Hungarian national sovereignty and our health, we too should oppose

and in the last case, we should consider withdrawing from the WHO, if they could really implement their new vision, led by Gebrejeszus.

This, for example, would be a really stupid, national act, after which the government, the Fidesz-KDNP, would be lifted high again by the Hungarian electorate. Such and similar steps are needed, and then victory in 2026 is guaranteed, whoever the opposition challenger is. All this is called: action against the globalist elite, in defense of our sovereignty. The global elite is the biggest threat to our country, and if we act boldly here, no one can question the freshness and responsibility of the government even after 14 years.

New topics must therefore be taken on, new battles must be fought, either against the WHO, the Union, or the global pro-war political elite! This is a new policy, a new courage, a new national will, which raises to the skies.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Péter Magyar, leader of the European Parliament list of the Tisza party, the party's vice-president at the Mother's Day rally held in front of the Great Reformed Church in Debrecen on May 5, 2024. MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd