A good symbol of Belpest's intellectual unpretentiousness mixed with snobbery is that two such spiritual giants lead their people. It is given by Gábor's writing.

Recently, he was the latest savior of the Hungarian left in the guest Puzsér's Soft Talk. And while I'm specifically offended that the video wasn't flagged as pornographic content, proving that everyone has some masochism in them, I watched it.

A good symbol of Belpest's intellectual unpretentiousness mixed with snobbery is that two such spiritual giants lead their people. At least finding each other has important content elements:

according to the savior, the Hungarian village with the airsoft field, the police radio and the Canon camera are internet blockers, the police secret agent securing the event,

as well as two thousand Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith watching his every move - and according to the apostle, Airbus consumes a ton of kerosene every second and Miklós Horthy defeated the Cattaro sailors' rebellion.

(However, we are forced to raise our hats to the apostle's business skills: the people of Belpest rushed to buy anything filled with extremely expensive ezo-bullshit printed in white letters on a black background and penny criticism of mass society. This is still an achievement.)

Now, however, I do not want to discuss Belpest petting at length, I would only highlight a single detail from it, when

Róbert, the "thoroughbred metaphysician" assigned to Temu, questions the savior,

that he will not conform to public opinion polls, but will stick to the principles and even ideology he professes. Tie yourself to the mast of principles and do not budge from there, even if the voters might want something else.

The "principled basic position" is very popular in the Belpest sect, and since it is a very attractive idea at first glance, it is worth examining it a little more closely.

According to this understanding, if someone is a "man of principles", he is moral, and someone who makes political decisions based on opinion polls is an immoral Machiavellian. The polls themselves are not important, of course, since they are only (imperfect) tools for the politician to know people's opinions and problems. There are many other tools, for example, it is worth having a personal relationship with them.

According to the tenets of the Belpes religion, this is cheap populism, moreover, people's needs and problems change,

and the unprincipled populists modify their directions along these lines. On the other hand, the principled loyalty of Belpest would stick to its own ideas, since they still know the way to salvation, not the miserable plebs. What is important is that politics be "Western", that the institutions and practices of Western European liberal democracies prevail, and that all kinds of skepticism and, of course, people's existing, everyday problems are pushed aside and the program and plan are implemented.

This modernizing messianism is known to Hungarians through the Komcs and then the liberals.

"Then I will redeem Hungary!" (Gy.F.) – even if you're stuck in it. The people grumble, but you will see in the end, I was right, you finally got rid of all your problems. This is the moral justification for all ideological politics and social engineering.

Such abstract principles are good because they are independent of everything and everyone, including the person who calls them to account. That is why anyone who thinks that Ukraine's war is ours is also

he doesn't raise his big rear to roll off Farkasrét, grab a gun and go to fight, but tries to get the job done with others.

After all, he represents the principles and is there to hold them accountable.

Of course, it is different when someone acts on his own according to his own principles. It can make a self-sacrificing hero, a martyr, or, in banal cases, a fool, but at least the person asserts his principled expectations against himself. However, the intellectual man of principles is not like that.

According to him, he knows the True Principles, the One True Path, and everyone else's task is to follow the latter.

If he gets power, he will force his principles on the people and educate them. Puritans, revolutionaries, and tyrants are like that, but common language simply calls those who would sacrifice not themselves, but everyone else on the altar of their great principles, mentally ill.

The representation of the ÜGY precedes all other aspects and considerations.

What is really less encouraging than this is that situations change and you always have to find the appropriate course of action in the given situation. Not to mention that politics should take into account the problems of the citizens, rather than imposing some great plan or ideology on them.

The ideological, messianic obsessed call pragmatic politics "unprincipled",

but this is perhaps easier to live with than the salvation projects of this world.


Featured image: debrecenip.hu