According to the leader of the faction, the left-wing media give way to extreme opinions.

Máté Kocsis InfoRádió that we should think about how hateful comments could be sanctioned. The leader of the Fidesz faction drew this conclusion after the assassination of the Slovak Prime Minister.

After the assassination of Robert Fico, Magyar Nemzet reported that Máté Kocsis was struck by the tsunami of hatred that appeared in the comment section of left-wing news portals.

So much for 444 and »community principles«

- wrote the faction leader at the time.

You could find comments similar to these in several left-wing newspapers: "Slovakia is ahead in this too..." or "the garbage can will survive". After that, Máté Kocsis came to the position that this type of comments should be sanctioned for inciting hatred.

According to Máté Kocsis, many commentators allow themselves faceless and anonymous incitement, and many left-wing media outlets allow this to happen. He cited Telex as an example:

Telex is not to be feared when it comes to inciting a little hate.

The leader of the faction believes that those who leave comments that incite and offend human dignity should be held criminally responsible, because this is the limit where intervention is necessary.

He also raised the need to think through the protection of those persons who carry out important tasks.

The goal of the far-left anti-fa attacks may be the same as the assassination attempt on Robert Fico: the destruction of the political opponent, only the means are different, the faction leader pointed out. He added: it is not only Viktor Orbán's threats, if someone threatened the life of Ferenc Gyurcsány, he would still say the same thing.

Máté Kocsis is confident that a case similar to the one in Slovakia cannot happen in Hungary. However, he was shocked that the Slovak Prime Minister was attacked by a mentally stable, intellectual person.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthé