Christians celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on Sunday. Pentecost, held fifty days after Easter - next to Easter and Christmas - is the third largest Christian holiday, its name comes from the Greek word pentekosté (fifty).

According to the statement of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops' Conference (MKPK) delivered to MTI on Friday, Christians celebrate three important events at Pentecost: the coming of the Holy Spirit, "as the fruit and fulfillment of Christ's redemptive act", the founding of the church and the "world-wide missionary work". the beginning.

According to the biblical description of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the apostles, after being filled with the Holy Spirit, preached the gospel to everyone in their own language.

With the miracle of languages, God showed the unity that unites people speaking different languages ​​by professing a common faith. This is how the church was born at the first Pentecost.

The Csiksomlyó farewell is held on the Saturday before Pentecost, which is one of the most significant religious and national celebrations in all of Hungary. This year, Pécs county bishop László Felföldi will be the speaker of the celebratory mass.

On Whit Monday, the church celebrates the liturgical memorial day of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of the church, in accordance with the decision made by Pope Francis in 2018. The purpose of the memorial day is to "promote the growth of the motherly feeling of the Church in pastors, monks and the faithful, and at the same time increase the authentic devotion to Mary"

- read in the statement of the MKPK.


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