The guest of honor of the train is Károly Eperjes, a Kossuth and Jászai Mari prize-winning actor.

The Székely Gyors and the Csíksomlyó Expressz left for Transylvania in Csíksomlyó on Friday morning - György Petrus, head of the Carpathian Europe Travel Agency, which organized the trip, informed MTI.

The Csíksomlyó Expressz left Szombathely in the early hours of the morning, then arrived at Keleti railway station in Budapest via Sopron, Kapuvár, Csorna, Győr, Komárom and Tatabánya. In the capital, the Csíksomlyó Expressz was connected with the Székely Gyors, and the two trains left together for Transylvania.

The approximately half kilometer long special train, which takes almost 1,500 pilgrims to Csíksomlyo, is pulled by a locomotive with stickers in memory of Áron Tamási.


Kézdszentlílek, May 16, 2024.
Márton Áron The participants of the Pentecost Horse Pilgrimage will arrive at the ceremony held at the place of departure on the Perkõ hill in Kézdiszentlélek, at the Szent István chapel on May 16, 2024. MTI/Kátai Edit

Pilgrims participate in the farewell mass at the Mary shrine on Saturday. On Sunday, the trains will continue to Gyimesbükk, the thousand-year-old border of historic Hungary, where the train and local pilgrims will participate in mass and an all-day celebration, and then hand over the donations collected on the train for the benefit of Hungarian children in Székely, Csángó, and Transylvania.

    The guest of honor of the train is Károly Eperjes, a Kossuth and Jászai Mari prize-winning actor.

    According to legend, the first farewell procession in Csíksomlyo was held in 1567, when János Zsigmond wanted to force the Catholics of Székely to adopt the Unitarian religion at gunpoint. The people of Csík, Gyergyó and Kászon gathered in Csíksomlyo on Pentecost Saturday, asked for the help of Szűz Mária, and then defeated the army of Zsigmond János at the Thieves' Pass of the Hargita. After the victory, they gave thanks again in Csíksomlyo, and also made a vow to make a pilgrimage there every year on Pentecost Saturday.


Front page image: Budapest, May 17, 2024.
The Székely fast and Csíksomlyó Express pilgrimage trains to Csíksomlyó depart from Keleti railway station in Budapest on May 17, 2024.
MTI/Péter Lakatos