Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that is not caused by lifestyle factors, but is caused by a malfunction of the immune system.

NGOs dealing with type 1 diabetes can once again apply for support, the Secretary of State responsible for families of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation announced on Saturday.

According to Ágnes Hornung's statement, thousands of children in Hungary live with type 1 diabetes; the government's goal is to make information about type 1 diabetes as widely known as possible, thus helping the affected families and their immediate environment.

For the 5th time, the State Secretariat for Families has announced its tender aimed at supporting information tasks related to type 1 diabetes: NGOs can apply for the tender with a budget of 100 million forints until July 1st on the application platform of the National Cultural Support Management, www.nktk.gov. hu page.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that is not caused by lifestyle factors, but is caused by a malfunction of the immune system.

In Hungary, 250-300 new children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes every year, which is three times the number 30 years ago and also means that so many more children receive timely help to maintain their diabetes.

According to the announcement, the government has taken several measures in recent years to support families raising children with diabetes: among other things, it has increased the social security support for insulin pump accessories, transmitters, sensors for continuous measurement of tissue sugar, and ketone test strips. In addition, as of January 2020, those families for whom this is justified due to type 1 diabetes became entitled to health benefits and care fees.

The purpose of the tender, announced for the fifth time, is to make the characteristics of type 1 diabetes and possible treatment methods known to a wide range of the population, so that those affected are not discriminated against, and their opportunities are further expanded.

Non-governmental organizations can apply for the tender, which have formulated a basic task in relation to type 1 diabetics in their founding documents and statutes. Applicants can apply for a maximum of HUF 30 million in non-refundable support.

Last year, 23 organizations won support. Thanks to the tender, which has now been announced for the fifth time, many publications and informational materials for children and their families, as well as adults who come into contact with the affected people - such as kindergarten teachers and teachers - have been published, and many events have been held, thereby helping people with type 1 diabetes. living children and their families.


Featured image: MTI/Balázs Mohai