Péter Haumann was an acting legend. One of the biggest. Even if at times he felt it wasn't needed, even if there were directors who didn't like working with him.

He has proven his versatile talent in theater, movies and TV shows. Just think of Indul a Bakterház, the Catcatcher or the musical Cats. Kossuth Prize-winning actor Péter Haumann was born on May 17, 1941, we remember him.

"I'm an ugly guy, I used to be, I'm not tall, I don't have curly hair"

Péter Haumann claimed about himself back in 2007 in the Friderikusz Most . The presenter was honestly surprised by the actor's statement. He did not agree with him, and even compared him to Jack Nicholson, also in his acting tools. By the way, he answered this to the question of whether there is a character that is not for him.

I'm not amorous, but that doesn't bother me, but in return I was a lot of other things. I stopped in front of the Camel ad with amazement, that you couldn't find a more frank guy in the world than the one standing there in the saddle. Well, of course I'm laughing at that now, I was laughing then as well, but I stared at it like it would be nice to look a little like that.

He wanted to be Hamlet

Sándor Friderikusz then tried to make it clear that he thought Haumann could play anyone, that his talent was full of everything. He also doubted whether there was a role that the actor could not do.

It was for that. I wanted to be Hamlet.

Haumann added that, otherwise, the phrase "he ticks because he's fat" . For some reason, it was already like this in Shakespeare's time, and he became a handsome, blond prince.

"I always like to refer to this sentence in myself, so why shouldn't he be a bit of a soft intellect, who has so many and serious problems with the world, like Hamlet"

- He told.

Not a co-creator, but an executive medium

Péter Haumann said that he wanted to belong to a community since he was a child, he always wanted to, but there were many things that annoyed him within a company:

In the majority of cases, they are not communal people, although there is always gang spirit, but really announced, big and common thoughts no longer work for the sake of the piece. God forgive me, but mostly the things that the directors dream up in their little pillows work on the stage, and the actor is gradually not a co-creator, but an executive medium.

It turned out that the Kossuth award-winning actor had many successful performances and excellent roles, but doubts did not escape him during his career. In 1991, he wanted to sign a contract with the József Katona Theater in Budapest, but he could not go. What hurt him the most was that he was not told the reason.

When he finally became a member of the troupe in 1994, it turned out that they simply couldn't have given him a job first, because there were already actors in his role. When their place became available, Haumann could come.

The trouble is, they didn't tell me what it was, which made me walk by my shoes for three or four years. I described myself. That I don't need a theater that is closest to my taste.

The case also challenged his professional sense of self, because he wanted to join a company and a circle of ideas in his worldly life, he wanted to be an integral part of it. That's also why he didn't like it when someone from the team he wanted said that they don't need you now, but we'll let you know if they do.

He probably took his grievances to the grave with him on May 28, 2022.


Featured image: Photo published by MTI/Péter Haumann's family