The assailant committed his act referring to the narrative of the progressive Slovak opposition and became a left-wing radical after 2016.

Magyar Nemzet writes that within hours of the assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, the left-wing press began to produce narratives. The essence of this is that the assassin belonged to the far-right-Nazi world. On the other hand, the assassin committed his act by referring to the narrative of the progressive Slovak opposition, he had been a supporter of the also progressive Caputová since 2019, they write: he supported the arming of Ukraine, participated in several anti-government demonstrations organized by the Slovak progressive opposition, where

"Long live Ukraine!" also protested by exclaiming,

and he decided in favor of the assassination after the presidential candidate of the progressives, Ivan Korcok, lost in the presidential election. Reminder: Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot several times on Wednesday by a 71-year-old poet from Léva, Juraj Cintula. Almost immediately after the assassination, the left-wing media began to insinuate that the perpetrator was connected to the extreme right in Slovakia, but it has now become clear that not a word of this is true, we know.

Telex Fico


They emphasize: the Hungarian left-wing media presented Cintula without criticizing the Slovak liberal papers.

For example, a clear evidence that Fico's assassin was a supporter of the sister party Momentum was simply declared non-existent.

The left-liberal newspaper Denník N in Slovakia strongly exaggerated after the assassination and reported that the perpetrator had previously met with the far-right paramilitary organization Slovak Patriots. The liberal .týždeň as an "anti-Roma racist" and associated him with Matica Slovenská and the Slovak National Defenders. And the progressive Refresher involved ĽSNS (a far-right party in Slovakia) in the story. The Hungarian left-wing media also adopted these without criticism, and they repeat them. As it turns out, the above references are true, or only half true.

Cintula did indeed meet the Slovenský branci that year, but not because he sympathized with them, but to call on them to lay down their arms.

What the left-liberal press keeps silent about, what they write is the following:

The story of Cintula's radicalization begins in 2016, and his convictions were not fueled by far-right, but by progressive narratives about this . It is stated: the period after 2016, and not before, led to Wednesday's tragic events,

which Denník N, .týždeň and other liberal papers also know, it's just inconvenient for them.

A chronology of Cintula's radicalization is presented:

- In 2016, he created the Facebook page called "Movement Against Violence".
The organization would have been a party whose aim was to "protect Europe from war and the spread of hatred". The party was never officially established. - In 2017, Cintula, referring to a non-existent article, stated on the aforementioned Facebook page that "Slovaks are worried about the spread and strengthening of extremism".
– In 2019, he published a post on the same page in which he wrote,

he was saddened by the news he heard from his wife that the then US President Donald Trump was in excellent health.

He called the American president a clown and arrogant. In Cintula's post, he talked about how the rejection of the Paris Agreement against global warming does not exactly reveal Trump's mental health. "A madman's health is not a victory, but a warning sign," he concluded the post.
– In February 2019, he published in the same place that he will vote for Zuzana Caputová in the spring presidential election.
In the second round, Caputová won against the candidate of Smer, Maros Sefcovicc. A week before the second round, Cintula posted that Caputová is “offering us a new policy. A policy for everyone". – in April 2019

declared that fascism was a tumor,

but it can be cured. He then discussed the fact that it is written that "militants" " responsible people rays of sunshine" . The Slovak epithet slniečkár is primarily used by non-liberal politicians for the liberal-progressive intelligentsia in the capital.

Cintula specifically describes that he dreams of a "without race, religion and nation" : "But the tiger of democracy does not tire of itself. The swing (or pendulum) of life and death in the struggle for values ​​will swing for a million years. Until

the era of peace and long, billion-year prosperity will finally come. The process of realizing oneself and the outer space is extremely colorful and interesting. Without races, religions and nations.

(…) The militants call the responsible people slniečkár. That's a good expression."

In 2022, after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukraine war, he published the following post:

"What a Slavic brotherhood. There is only an aggressor and a victim.”

Cintula was also present at the 2024 anti-government demonstrations. Most of the demonstrations were organized by the opposition in order to support Ivan Korcok, the presidential candidate. And now these demonstrations have been linked to the bomber. According to the photos circulating on Facebook, Cintula was present at the anti-government demonstration in front of the parliament on February 7, 2024. Alsókorompán also appeared at a smaller anti-government demonstration. After all this, it is understandable, they write, that the left-wing press is forced to lead the public.

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