You moralized on the context in which we write about it, instead of weeding out your own filthy comment sections! Written by Krisztián Lentulai.

He shot Robert Fico five times, he wanted to kill him. Left-handed? Better? Don't care? I would like to live in a media world (I have already given up on commenters) where a bad deed remains a bad deed, and the fact of murderous intent is not questioned.

A few days have passed since the shocking news, and I am sure that all people of good will are pressing for the speedy recovery of the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico. If I had written this publicism in the first place, the responsible editor of Mozgástér would never have allowed it to be published. The very fact of the intent to kill (let's just taste the indicative structure) is shocking in itself, especially in our part of the world. In fact, if I think about the fact that where I am sitting now, I can reach Komárom or Esztergom by car before Debrecen and easily cross the bridge, I am already in the country where the prime minister was wanted to be killed the other day. Is this normal? No way!

It's not something that gets you out of your rut, it's more of a frustrating and frightening occurrence. But what came immediately after that is hell on earth itself. I don't want to say that I had any illusions about the empathy of the comment section, but what flooded Facebook after the tragedy is the worst.

Many of the most selective eulogies and self-justifications were followed by interpretations intended to be funny, according to which Viktor Orbán will be next, there is reason to fear the Hungarian Prime Minister, this is the way he goes who crosses Europe, and as one they celebrated this murderer Juraj Cintula as a hero, and further expressed their hopes, that Cintula's Hungarian counterpart will soon appear, and that the local "comment section" will then heroize him. Perhaps they could even imagine the future Hungarian Cintula in the next government, even as minister of the interior. I'm not surprised by anything anymore.

Of course, all of them are cowards enough to commit such a crime with their bare hands, but Facebook's impromptu court actually already has the death sentence on the prime minister, but the villain who will carry it out has not yet arrived.

It's interesting, I also noticed that the frequent "bezzegslovakia" has stopped a few days ago. Our northern neighbor is somehow not a model democracy in the eyes of the Hungarian progressives. Ours, we know, has not been like that for a long time, and it is probably only due to divine luck that in our democracy there has not been an assassination attempt against a leading politician or even a field politician. Another horror is that we could foolishly believe that men are living out their sick souls embedded in comments, but no!

A surprisingly large number of women of all age groups, with apparently normal, orderly backgrounds, lined up to wish Orbán dead. Many years of conscious nagging are worth it.

After one of my comments, I myself received the message that we, Fidesz, are the cause of the violence taking place in schools, for example, since we are "shitting up" the country, it's a shame to complain about what happened to Fico. Do you understand? And keep calm after that. No!

What's clear is that you can't win against jerks in the comments, it's already decided. But when the discourse started on the ideological conviction of the assassin, whether he was left-wing or far-right, I immediately realized that Juraj Cintula might have such a sick soul that it makes no sense to look for logical connections. He's a killer! Until now, he would have been in a closed ward, but now he can go to prison. However, the fact that the majority of my fellow journalists, who are on the left-liberal side - government critics for the sake of their more sensitive colleagues - ride on the fact that what we wrote about the perpetrator politically, "even though at the moment it's a baby" is not the case and does not decipher or analyze the horror itself , appreciates, but also attacks the media coverage of the NER at this moment, but it's still outrageous! I had to legally demand from one of them that he at least admit the fact of the assassination.

Based on what happened in Slovakia, you and we, journalists of all kinds, can now put our hands together that we should not do our work in fear of death, as a few kilometers up.

I don't think of Robert Fico as a friend, but as a strong ally who recently fought for his life. You moralized about the context in which we write about it, instead of weeding out your own filthy comment sections!

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Featured image: Facebook/Kristián Lentulai