Gergely Karácsony's new program, which he plans to implement with EU funds, will come to fruition in decades. The mayor explained to Telex: he is sure that he can lead Budapest in the next cycle as well, according to Dávid Vitézy, he will soon go down the drain. Karácsony also revealed that he avoids the press because of "stupid propagandists".

This time, Gergely Karácsony is coming up with campaign promises for several decades. with Telex the mayor explained that he does not feel that anything or anyone would threaten his being the mayor for the next five years.

In explaining his program, he pointed out that the projects dealing with climate change, the housing and social crisis, which are implemented almost exclusively with EU funding, aim at a healthy life, but the results take decades.

"Dávid Vitézy goes down very quickly"

Gergely Karácsony took a hard line at mayor candidate Dávid Vitézy and Péter Ungár, co-chairman of his former party, the LMP. According to his claim, Péter Ungár came up with the idea that the threshold for entering the Capital Assembly should be only 5 percent so that Vitézy would have a chance, although he admitted that he cannot prove his claim.

According to the list leader of the left, Vitézy is unfit to manage Budapest. According to Christmas

Vitézy goes down to the dog very soon. He's a smart boy, but we don't trust him with public money.

The mayor explained several times that Dávid Vitézy is actually the candidate of Fidesz, in whose favor Alexandra Szentkirályi will step down in the next three weeks, according to his claim, he knows about this from government party circles and mentioned an audio recording, but he did not reveal any details about it.

Karácsony revealed whether he is running for the prime minister's seat

Karácsony is certain of his victory, as he did not prepare a B-plan in case he did not win, as, according to his words, this should not happen. Although it's 2019

most of his election promises were not fulfilled, and now he only dares to make promises in the ten-year horizon, he considers himself a successful city manager, and all the problems of Budapest are the fault of the government.

We also learned that Karácsony does not want to run as prime minister candidate in the parliamentary elections, and he also hinted at the 2022 primary election, when he withdrew in favor of Péter Márki-Zay.

The most attacked politician

Gergely Karácsony considers himself to be the most frequently attacked politician, including the harassment of decently functioning associations connected to him.

If there is a politician who is being persecuted, it is me - the mayor lamented, then explained that he is happy to cooperate with everyone, but he only maintains a dialogue with the government through a few informal channels, but he also did not reveal more about the details of this. At the same time, he referred to his previous consultation with Minister János Lázár regarding the new transport tariff system, about which he explained:

even after the hundredth slap, I am able to cooperate with anyone.

At the same time, the mayor got into a contradiction by saying at one point in the interview that Budapest had been strengthened in 2023, and later he claimed that the promised projects were not realized because "we were happy that we were able to stay on our feet in 2023".

Gergely Karácsony fooled the journalists

The city manager, who promotes a solidarity-free, hate-free Budapest, also answered the question why he does not hold press conferences. Here, he emphasized his role as a victim again: according to him, he has to deal with nonsense at the announced press conferences, which unnecessarily ties up his energies. In the end, he called the right-wing press the main culprit:

I don't want to feed propaganda by standing up every week and beating myself up over there with propaganda questions that seem like stupid journalists

Gergely Karácsony classified non-leftist journalists. He emphasized: he would have to cope in a different media environment, and he does not have an easy job as a representative of the government party - Mandiner observed the telex .

Cover photo: Balázs Hatlaczki/PestiSrá