He will host his program on the state-owned Russia 24 (Rosszija 24) channel.

Tucker Carlson, the former host of Fox News, has launched his own show in Russia, SkyNews wrote . The American media personality, who this year became the first Western journalist to interview Vladimir Putin since Russia invaded Ukraine,

will host its program on the state-owned Russia 24 (Rosszija 24) channel.

In the first episode, Carlson will talk about the dangers of ticks and Lyme disease.

Carlson was fired from Fox News last April. He took over Fox News' prime-time weekday show Tucker Carlson Tonight in 2016 and soon became a key figure on the network and an influential figure in Republican politics.

After leaving Fox News and relaunching his show on X last year, he called Elon Musk's site the last major platform left to allow free speech.

Via Mandiner

Featured image: Árpád Földházi/Mandiner