By recognizing the Palestinian state, the European states would be rewarding terror, Benjamin Netanyahu said.

In a video statement uploaded to X, the Israeli prime minister called the announcement on Wednesday by Ireland, Norway and Spain that they would soon recognize a Palestinian state "a prize won by terrorism".

“Eighty percent of Palestinians in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) support the terrible massacre of October 7. It is forbidden to give such evil a state," Netanyahu insisted.

"This will be a terrorist state that will try again and again to carry out the massacre of October 7, and we will not agree to that," said the Israeli prime minister, referring to the autumn terror attack by Islamist militants, which led to the outbreak of the Gaza war.

Rewarding terrorism will not bring peace - and it will not prevent us from defeating Hamas," Netanyahu concluded his statement.

The prime minister released his video statement a few minutes after the parents of the kidnapped female soldiers published the video recordings made by Hamas militants on October 7 of the hostage taking of the 18-20-year-old girls.


Cover photo: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Source: MTI/EPA/Flash 90 pool/Sir Torem