Above that, the new messiah of the left pursues a specific cadre policy.

Although Péter Magyar did not want to confirm it, Jobbik president Márton Gyöngyösi admitted that Márton Magyar worked in Brenner Koloman's campaign. And former Jobbik president Tamás Sneider spoke about the fact that people connected to Jobbik have connections to Magyar.

"I never had anything against Imre Zoltán Kiss" - this is how Márton Gyöngyösi first responded to questions about the relationship between Jobbik and the Tisza Party, and then admitted that Zoltán Kiss was indeed a member of their party. Magyar Jelen first reported that Imre Zoltán Kiss, who currently assists Péter Magyar at events and on his country tour, used to be Gyöngyösi's communications manager.

According to the portal, Gyöngyösi and those behind him personally discussed with Péter Magyar how much of a team and what resources they could make available to him so that the Tisza Party's campaign could be successful.

"When Brenner Koloman accepted the candidacy for mayor, we gave him free rein to put together his campaign team," Gyöngyösi said, adding that the campaign team included Márton Magyar, Péter Magyar's brother.

According to the chairman of Jobbik, however, when Péter Magyar entered the political scene, the existing cooperation contract with his brother was terminated. Péter Magyar answered the question of whether his brother worked together with the Jobbik mayoral candidate that he could not confirm this.

Tamás Sneider, the former president of Jobbik, said that many people who helped his party at the time can be recognized in the organizing team.

In the case of several candidates of Péter Magyar's party, we may get the feeling that their world view is exactly as if they had been chosen by Soros.

Several candidates of the Tisza Party are unknown in Hungarian public life, but they are all the more known to the Soros network. Everything is important in May 2024 because the billionaire speculator repeatedly emphasizes the continuation and escalation of the war.

Meanwhile, Péter Magyar himself spoke several times about the fact that there are no pro-war members in the opposition. However, this claim is refuted by dozens of citations.

At the same time, many of Péter Magyar's candidates - even though they do not necessarily have a direct connection to the billionaire's network - clearly profess principles that correspond to György Soros's system of views. For example, Kinga Kollár, who called the Hungarians "brainwashed", declares himself a globalist and liberal, just like the billionaire speculator.

The post of Kollar, who has been working in Luxembourg since 2021 at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, can be viewed below:

Like Kollár, Gabriella Gerzsenyi, who organized an outburst against Hungarian overhead reductions, worked for Brussels for many years. It is known about him that he took photos in a rainbow top, is pro-migration and believes in multiculturalism.

In one of his Facebook posts from 2022, he did not consider immigration dangerous and also called himself a leftist.

In the post, for some reason, the adjective "brainwashed" came to mind in relation to those outside the borders: "Brussels is a diverse city, there are many immigrants, but I have never felt more dangerous than any of the many big cities I have visited in my life. Those who work in Brussels are not necessarily left-wing and/or ultra-liberal and/or brainwashed. Someone with a cross-border background is not necessarily right-wing and/or ultra-conservative and/or brainwashed."

Gerzsenyi claims to be a Eurocrat, he worked for the European Commission for 15 years. On page 22 of his book "Free after Brussels", he states that "if you have to be at home somewhere in the world, you can be at home in Brussels".

In addition to Kollár and Gerzsenyi, Andrea Bujdosó also complies with the principles propagated by Soros. Bujdosó was so woke that he wrote on his LinkedIn profile what pronoun to call him. He also supports the LGBTQ lobby, and in his case we can also find a formal connection to the billionaire speculator's network: he performed mentoring activities at the Soros-linked Equality Foundation.

Mandiner here and here

Cover photo: Péter Magyar
Source: MTI/Tibor Illyés