The answer came with exemplary speed, the coach was suspended for the time being, and proceedings were initiated against him.

On Thursday morning, a long post appeared on Danuta Kozák's social media page, in which the six-time Olympic champion kayaker wrote that during the regenerative kneading session following one of the training sessions, a coach in a "highly influenced state" verbally molested and insulted her in a variety of ways. He added that for weeks Ferenc Csipes has been "disrupting and annoying the competitors of the team boats that won the briefing, including his own and his own daughter".

Kozák stated that he will not be able to contact the "coach who is completely unfit for work" from now on.

The post can start a very big avalanche in the sport, and it is of particular importance that Ferenc Csipes was singled out by Danuta Kozák, as he just started with Tamara Csipes in the national team.

"At the end of the day, you've already gone through two training sessions, you've put your kids to bed, the two training sessions were a lot, you'd fall down too, but you still have to perform tomorrow, your muscles have to regenerate, you're going to the gym at 8 p.m. to work out. You lie on the bench, practically naked, trying to relax while they knead. At some point, a coach comes in under the influence. Yes, an alarm bell should start ringing wildly in the head of every normal person here. I reassure everyone, there is nothing to see here: it is "normal" in this sport," Kozák begins his post.

According to the multiple Olympic champion, this coach verbally molested and insulted him.

"You probably think you're funny, but you're actually just like a long-lost, slobbering underpass. Of course, you take two big steps there and you never see it again. I would also like to take two big steps, but approx. I lie naked on the kneading bench. I can't even lift my head because it's in the depression made for it. I have to endure the humiliations with my head down, in a defenseless position. Fortunately, I'm good at it, in sports you learn to keep quiet. They teach me," writes the athlete.

Kozák continues by saying that in two weeks he will compete in singles, doubles and foursomes, but he does not know who will sit behind him or stand behind him after his entry.

"I'm realistic, at 37, after two years off, with two kids, I'm not going to win in singles. Don't wait for anyone. But I can achieve a good result, and I know that I am the best lead rower in the current Hungarian field - and perhaps in the international field as well.

Ferenc Csipes approx. For 3 weeks, he has been disrupting and annoying the competitors of the team boats that won the briefing, including his own and his own daughter," explained Danuta Kozák.

"As of today, I will not be able to contact the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association, the Hungarian Olympic Committee, the Budapest Defense Force SE, who is a decade old, and the current assistance of the State Secretariat for Sports of the Ministry of Defense, who is completely unfit for work. Also, I ask for an investigation of the responsibility of the above-mentioned competent institutions", concluded the classic six-time Olympic champion.

Shortly after the registration of Danuta Kozák, the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association announced that the 1988 Olympic champion in fours Ferenc Csipes would initiate sports disciplinary proceedings against the coach with his club, the Budapest Honvéd Sports Association, and at the same time temporarily suspend him from coaching until the conclusion of the proceedings.

"Danuta Kozák is the star of Hungarian sports life, the most successful female athlete in Hungary who has ever lived, who is preparing for a worthy end to a wonderful career at the Paris Olympics, for which we will give her all possible support. The Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association has considered the support of the competitors participating in the Olympic preparations to be a priority, and will continue to do everything to ensure that our athletes can prepare undisturbed for the upcoming Olympic selection, the European Championships, and the Paris Olympics," the association says. in his statement.

The Hungarian sports administration and the MOB also condemn all forms of intimidation, the state secretariat responsible for sports and the Hungarian Olympic Committee wrote in a joint statement in response to Danuta Kozák's accusations.

"The State Secretariat for Sports of the Ministry of National Defense and the Hungarian Olympic Committee learned about the case from Danuta Kozák's social media post, which we received with shock, as the athlete concerned had not previously filed a complaint in this case, either personally or in any other way, with the State Secretariat for Sport, or the Hungarian to the Olympic Committee", reads the resolution.

"Both the Hungarian sports management and the MOB condemn all forms of intimidation. Both organizations are determined to create safe conditions for both sport and those working for sport. On the part of the parties, the doors are open to anyone who asks for help in any matter or wants to make a complaint".

The state secretariat responsible for sports and the MOB indicated that after learning about Danuta Kozák's case, they immediately contacted the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association and the Budapest Armed Forces Sports Association to immediately investigate the case and take the necessary measures, as well as the investigation and its results inform the sports management and MOB.

Cover image: Danuta Kozák reported molestation and humiliation
Source: Facebook/Danuta Kozák