"Viktor Orbán cannot represent us Europeans," argued German Green Party politician Daniel Freund.

"2024. On July 1, Hungary will take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. This is a problem, because this would put a person trampling on European values ​​in one of the governing chairs of the EU: Viktor Orbán . He cannot represent us Europeans. Viktor Orbán cannot be our president. That's why we call on Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, to suspend the Hungarian presidency" - this is the start of the Népszava , which was initiated by two members of the European Parliament from the Green Party, Daniel Freund and Damian Boeselager.

"It is time for the Union to act against the tyranny of a government that has obvious problems with upholding our most fundamental European principles and values"

- wrote the two Green Party politicians.

The Daniel Freunds hope that if enough signatures can be collected on the online platform launched on Wednesday, it will be possible to prevent the Hungarian Prime Minister or government from taking over the leadership of the EU.

Source: Mandarin

Photo: Lajos Soós / MTI