"If someone appears at all kinds of events of this type, it's not about art for me," declared the world-famous opera singer Andrea Rost about her performances at Péter Magyar's events.

Erika Miklósa was the guest of Thursday's Kontextus. Although the world-famous opera singer stated that she did not want to talk about the fact that Andrea Rost sang at Péter Magyar's events, she made her position clear with a clear reference.

Erika Miklósa said in the program: she used to tell young people to work on their art, "fulfill it, and maybe if you are predestined to achieve international success, then improve the Hungarian nation".

– If someone appears at all kinds of political events of this type, it's not about art for me. This is the problem. I don't think this is a good move for anyone

- Erika Miklósa expressed her opinion about Andrea Rost regarding the fact that the latter performed at several of Péter Magyar's events.

The kind of artistic reputation that he brought with him so far has now collapsed with the stroke of a pen

- said the world-famous opera singer.

You can watch the entire conversation here:

Source: Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Erika Miklósa. Photo: MTI/Csilla Csilla