On Sunday, at 6:30 p.m., an interview with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was published on the Patriot YouTube channel.

The main focus of the conversation led by Dániel Bohár was the European Parliament elections, so Bohár mostly awaited the answers of the Hungarian Prime Minister on questions concerning the European Union and geopolitics.

The first question was the assassination of Robert Fico. The Hungarian prime minister's first thought after hearing the news of the assassination was whether he had survived.

The first thing that hit me in the heart. The second is that I'm in big trouble, I'll be alone next time when it comes to war or other important issues

- said Orbán, who said that his next thought was that General Hajdú was coming because of the introduction of higher defense rules.

Will there be a third world war?

The second question was the ideas raised by several Western politicians in connection with the war in Ukraine - Bohár listed as examples the ideas of French President Emmanuel Macron and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who previously suggested that NATO should be stationed in Ukraine in order to train Ukrainian soldiers faster , and there was also the possibility that a nuclear missile would be installed in Poland.

In this regard, the Prime Minister believes that when it comes to nuclear weapons, one should not necessarily think of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Orbán sees that when European politicians talk about nuclear weapons, they think of them as a tactical, deterrent tool that they don't want to use, but at the same time, he says, they would not have thought that the Americans would eventually use them during the Second World War.

According to Orbán, those who talk about nuclear weapons are not aware of the danger it carries.

NATO mission in Ukraine? It makes the hairs on your back stand up

- said Orbán, who thinks that the discourses about nuclear weapons, a possible NATO mission, and enriched projectiles are terrifying.

Not a single world war started with the leaders stating that there will be a world war from now on - said the Prime Minister, who said that when Western politicians talk about the war, they don't have those war reflexes, the images containing personal experiences, like the Hungarians, who were bombed during the Second World War.

To the question of whether there will be a third world war, or whether the war in Ukraine is the prelude to it, the Hungarian prime minister answered,

We are in a process that maybe ten years from now they will say that these were the preludes or initial cases of the Third World War.

He then cited the Balkan war and the two world wars as an example that we didn't even know at the beginning that those cases would lead to a war with millions of victims.

If we cannot extricate European politics from the war psychosis that has developed in Brussels, from the vortex of war, then perhaps the history of these years will be written as episodes of the first year or two of a major European world war

- Orbán stated how, in his opinion, the expansion of the war in Ukraine could be avoided.

"We are already involved in financing the war"

He spoke about the costs of the war. European countries have already paid 100 billion euros into this war, as has the United States. In this regard, he stated that people don't know it, but they are already paying for the war, since, according to him, the war is responsible for the inflation.

We are already involved in the financing of the war, even Hungary, the only country that is doing everything to stay out of this war, because everyone else is crawling into it

- emphasized the Hungarian Prime Minister, who said that he did not like the war from the beginning, as two Slavic countries usually used to fight a serious war with each other.

He then criticized the EU's strategy for Ukraine, saying that he did not like it from the beginning, since the war has a high cost, and according to him, the European Union did not calculate and they themselves do not know how much the war and the strategic military goal to be achieved will cost, i.e. that Russian President Vladimir Putin cannot win.

Europe is drifting into a war in such a way that it has no estimate of the costs and means necessary to achieve the military goal it has set. I have never seen anything more irresponsible in my life

- believes Orbán, who said that he asks this question from the others every quarter in the EU, but he never gets an answer.

The Hungarian Prime Minister then linked the issue of war and migration with the fact that European societies lost population during the wars, which is why, according to him, illegal immigrants think they can move here because "there aren't enough of these white, Christian people".

This week, this was already the second longer interview that the Hungarian Prime Minister gave - on Thursday, the Hungarian Prime Minister answered Blikk's


Featured image: Viktor Orbán/Facebook