In my opinion, the main role of the "pub forum" organized by Partizán was to present to the viewers and listeners who are the people from whom God must save the country.

Comparing the speeches of the opposition leaders during the June 9 campaign period with the style, manner, and content of the Prime Minister's speech delivered here, the listener realizes that we are witnessing a calm, civilized, meaningful conversation, in contrast to those that Partizán has recently they inform you from the organized "pub style", from Péter Magyar's street, uncivilized, mannered speeches or from the style of the "Kata-Anna pair", Toroczkai's "Lenin boy"!

The style of the latter reminds most of the students of the style of the "boys of Lenin" born in an uncivilized society, who worked and are working against Christian civilization, who do not want to build a country, but to destroy the past/destroy nations, races, countries,/so that their their infinite power!!!

At the pub forum organized by Partizán, it was clear what the participating guests were selling, what is going on and how that "civilization" flows from their mouths, the intelligence that they bring with them from their parents' families, and which they sometimes reveal to the people!

Among those present, only the representative of the Dog Party was an exception, the others - Gyurcsany's, "Katka-Annácska's", Toroczkai's speeches, or the Péter Magyar phenomenon - were all a text built on a false, empty communist political lie drawn on a stick, whose only its real basis is lies, incitement, disruption of national stability!

For me, the presence of Toroczkai in the whole "tavern debate" was a surprise, as he had previously tried to exonerate himself from his statement during the 2006 demonstration ("I wanted to shoot Gyurcsány") on ATV's Straight Broadcast program. Today, he is on the same platform as during the election before 2018, thus proving that the apple does not fall far from the tree, the grandson from the bloodthirsty grandfather!

In my opinion, the main role of the "pub forum" organized by Partizán was to show the viewers and listeners who those people are from whom God must save the country!!!

Gheorhge Agopcsa

Reader letters do not necessarily reflect the position of the Civilik.Info editors

Cover photo: László Toroczkai, faction leader of Mi Hazánk
MTI/Zoltán Máthé