The Civil Solidarity Forum and the Civil Solidarity Public Foundation (CÖF-CÖKA) launched a mobile poster campaign warning of the importance of a pro-peace stance, until June 8, announced Norbert Heizler, the national coordinator of CÖF-CÖKA, on Tuesday in Budapest.

At the press conference, he recalled: during its more than ten years of existence, the CÖF-CÖKA has made its voice heard in all matters of destiny, adding that the voice of civilians who want peace is needed more than ever these days.

    The civilian population wants peace, at any cost. We cannot allow the warmongers to win

- he said, emphasizing: on June 9, we will not simply decide on the composition of the European Union (EU) parliament, but whether "the leaders of the EU should be on the side of peace or war".

The coordinator said: one of their two trucks, equipped with posters and loudspeakers, will travel the roads in the countryside, while the other in Budapest, because "the events taking place in the capital must also reflect peace."

    The current leadership seems to want an intra-city war between the people

- he said, using as an example the confrontation between cyclists and motorists, or "the anarchy that characterizes public spaces".

Cöf Mobile poster campaign 2024

In addition to the pro-peace stance, the car traveling through the capital demands the elimination of corruption in the town hall, the establishment of responsible city management, thoughtful decisions in place of traffic chaos, clean streets, well-kept green parks, urban development that also extends to the outer districts, real public safety, and an increase in the capital's cultural offerings. , and advocates "instead of waging war, cooperation with the government for the benefit of the people of Budapest".

He also said:

the loudspeaker of the truck driving through the countryside to vote for peace, to support European childbearing instead of immigration, to make the EU a union of interests of sovereign nations, to control the power of the EU bureaucracy, to establish prosperous economic relations, to establish a European force based on strong national armies capable of defending itself, the member states' dual encourages equal assessment instead of standards, "family support instead of gender", and freedom of speech and opinion instead of EU censorship.

Norbert Heizler also mentioned that the participants of Saturday's Peace March will demand peace, as the whole world needs peace.

You can watch the video of the press conference here:


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