It's no longer a secret: Ferenc Demjén himself appears in the comedy.

How Can I Live Without You is in full swing shooting of the film. The scenes are currently being shot near Lake Balaton, and there is not much time left before the musical-comedy featuring Ferenc Demjén's songs is ready.

Retro hotel, denim jacket, massive use of hairspray. This characterized the 90s and our Tuesday morning as well, because we visited How could I live without you? for filming the entertaining comedy. The film will be released in theaters on December 12th, naturally full of Ferenc Demjén's hits spanning generations. The creators specifically emphasize that it will not be a biographical work, it will not be about the singer, but the story will be based on his songs - see Mamma Mia.

The romantic summer story will take place in two time planes, the present age and the 90s.

Peti Marics will also be in the film

Dénes Orosz, the film's director, answered the question of how to imagine the upcoming work in comparison to previous Hungarian and foreign music films:

Made in Hungária was great, Mamma Mia! and a benchmark in terms of its execution and genre, which should be followed at some level. We really enjoy recording the musical sequences, amazing energy is released. We are making great progress, keeping a very brisk pace, but everyone is very enthusiastic and loves it. Demjén Ferenc himself is the 80s and 90s, let's say that he is eternal.

The two main characters of the story are Márk Ember and Franciska Törőcsik, but the supporting cast is also second-rate, as Marcell Kirády, Bence Brasch, Luca Márkus, Harmat Kovács and, last but not least, Peti Marics will be seen on the cinema screens.

The ValMar singer said this about getting a taste of acting:

It's a huge game of fun, which of course is full of challenges, but I love them! Fortunately, I was able to try myself in several things. I had to dance in Dancing with the Stars, and we sing a few times with the formation. This line of acting is what I'm trying to learn and get out of myself now, but I feel like it's going to be good. I really enjoy the shoot! Obviously, there is a scene that we take in all day, and we have to get up very early, but it will be all the more beautiful to look back on!

Peti Marics added that the atmosphere of the 90s reached him later, but as he saw the romance of the era, he thought more and more about going to a party of that time and seeing what happened there. When asked whether he would sneak himself into the role, or whether he would play a completely different character, he answered:

Fortunately, the character is fit, but my task is that whoever goes to the cinema and watches the film should not see that this is all Peti Marics, but notice the difference between the role and the person.

Attila Kirády, the film's producer, revealed that in the film

Demjén Ferenc himself will also appear.

This was still in question before. By the way, the singer liked the basic idea of ​​the film, but he had some stipulations. For example, the fact that all actors who will sing must be accepted by János Menyhárt, the author of the Demjén songs. The actors also passed this sieve, even though these numbers are really not easy.

They don't sleep much

Nearly 300 people are working on the film and it will contain 15 songs, which will sound more modern than before, a little sped up in some places, but all of them were created by the authors. We will hear the songs "You broke my heart to pieces", "The Moon is from Cheese" and, of course, "The Love Train".

Márk Ember revealed that he has never been the main character in a movie, only in a series, and he really appreciates that. At the beginning of each shooting day, he feels that he has to comply, but he tries to push this feeling into the background, which the crew is also very helpful in. He believes that theater is very different from filmmaking. Filming is always an adventure, a short run, while in the theater they prepare for a production for a long time.

I miss the fact that very nice people are working on my consultation. This is a really stressful time. I'll have three or four days where I'll sleep on the bus when they take me from the theater to the shoot, but life is beautiful when it's happening. I'm not complaining at all, I'd rather praise it!

said Márk Ember.

The great atmosphere could be felt during the filming even in a few hours, seeing the scenes, the scenery, the costumes and the actors, we flew back to the past, as most likely the viewers will too.


Featured image: Ferenc Demjén / Facebook