We know that he thinks that no one in this country speaks the truth except him, except those who deify him.

Well, finally! Pyotr Vengerszkij (Péter Magyar on the account) has not lied to anyone for days, but what is delayed is not delayed. And it's not past.

This Pjotr ​​Tatabánya went to stir things up, because if nothing else, he was very good at this. Oh, sorry, maybe even more for terrorizing his wife, because he practiced it for a longer time.

So this Pyotr went hunting, shot up the Turul restaurant, took the bastard home, fried it and that little brain dead follower ate it all. In other words, Pyotr went to Tatabánya to hunt down new followers who could be fanaticized, taking advantage of the heat of some jerk followers (they were allegedly not allowed to sit on the terrace because all the tables were occupied, but still!) he "shot" the restaurant and incited his already aggressive followers to the staff of Turul inciting them. Then he took the story home, then (baked) it, which immediately turned the truth into a lie, and now he put it out the window in a statement. And Bamba's fans ate it all up, as usual, they hated Turul's social media page. In vain, they are just like that.

This mentality is unacceptable: Péter Magyar's supporters broke and crushed in Tatabánya (video)

What does this name say? That the Turulians are lying, because there was no lynching atmosphere. It certainly wasn't, once he says that. It is true that the glass wall of the restaurant was cracked by the rioters - sorry, they may have just benevolently caressed their fists - but this is not a lynching atmosphere. Just a nice gesture. Just as there was no lynching atmosphere when the Hír TV reporter had to be escorted out by the police from the peaceful crowd shaking their fists in a friendly way. There was no mention of a lynching mood, they just wanted to scare the correspondent colleague to death.

After all, shaking fists can also be seen as a friendly wave, right?

So the Turulians are definitely lying. Just like his ex-wife, the police, the press (both right-wing and left-wing press), and now also the restaurateurs, so that the devla can dry their tongues! They dare to open their sarcastic mouths while they are also interested in 14 EU tenders, from which it follows directly that they are pro-government. Or opposition. Or this and that. And the fact that Tatabánya has a leftist management and Turul is a restaurant owned by the municipality does not change this either. Knowing the household habits of the globalists (read: left-liberals), it is unlikely that the restaurant would have been handed over to conservatives. It's okay, even then!

We know that according to Pyotr Petya, no one in this country tells the truth except him, except for those who deify him. So all musicians, painters, stonemasons and ballet dancers are lying here. But stop, weird people, then Pyotr and his gentle soldiers will come, then they will drop the atomic bombs of eavesdropping and the end of the conservative world!

It would be nice if someone told this Petrovic (see: Jenő Rejtő: The fourteen-carat car) that just because he writes on a paper airplane that he is an atomic bomber, it does not mean that it will become an aircraft and will not drop murder charges on the heads of his political opponents.

Shaking fists is not an act of war, but sedition is certainly an act of common law. Did you know that, Petya Petrovich?

Featured image: Péter Magyar and azáhitat / Stand up, Hungarians! - Respect and Freedom Party Community Facebook