Boris Johnson, the former prime minister of Great Britain, celebrated the Azov special forces as heroes.

In his weaker moments, the former British Prime Minister likes to compare himself to Winston Churchill, his great predecessor, who defeated the Nazis with the help of the Russians. However, he now wants to defeat the Russians with the help of the Nazis, reads the Die Weltwoche .

It is written on the portal: Johnson recently welcomed the representatives of the Ukrainian Azov brigade as heroes. Highlights: this special unit fights under the Nazi symbol of a wolf's tail, neo-Nazis are found in its ranks, and

they cherish the memory of the old Nazis who massacred Jews, Russians and Poles alongside the SS.

“But what does Boris Johnson care? When it comes to the fight against Russia's main enemy, it will use not only any means, but also any allies. A question for the International Criminal Court: shouldn't this kind of behavior also be classified as a crime?"

- they ask the question in the article.

Zsolt Bayer commented on the news on his blog:

"Let's just imagine for a moment that this is a German organization with the same symbols. What do you think would happen? Yes, that would happen. But because they are Ukrainians, they should now be celebrated as heroes. As stupid Boris does.”

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