Mariann Falusi, Dorottya Udvaros and Anikó Für also sang for him.

Several artists sang on Saturday at the National Theater in Szeged at the concert, the proceeds of which will support the treatment of the actress.

The Hungarian art world came together to collect the amount needed for the treatment of cancer patient Kátya Tompos. The Jászai Mari award-winning actress suffers from a rare type of cancer for which the most suitable treatment is not available in Hungary. Therefore, a collection was organized so that he could receive the appropriate treatment in Germany.

The actress and her family trust the help of immunotherapy to overcome the disease. However, the treatment requires a lot of money, so a collection was initiated, which was joined by friends and colleagues of Kátya Tompos.

Among others, Mariann Falusi, Dorottya Udvaros, Attila Dolhai, Róbert Hrutka, Anna Peller and Anikó Für performed at the Szeretünk, Kátya

"I think we can now help Katya beyond helplessness. And now is the time to help, and perhaps in addition to physical help, donating, singing together, and compassion, I think we can also help a little mentally. So we can connect with him, some in prayer, some as best he can"

Attila Dolhai said earlier.


Featured image: Kátya Tompos / Facebook