On Thursday at eight o'clock in the evening, the EP representative candidates will clash live on public television.

Although all 11 list leaders were invited to the 100-minute debate in the Várkert Bazar, the communication of the event was in complete chaos on the left: Klára Dobrev was only willing to enter at the main entrance, Anna Donáth did not accept the rules of the debate citing reasons of conscience, while Péter Magyar indicated to the organizers that he will talk about what he wants. The Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party sends a comedian to the debate.

The order of speaking is the same as the order on the ballots. The 11 participants will take their place on the stage in the following order from left to right (if everyone really goes to the debate):

Viktor Huszár – Solution Movement,

Péter Ungár – LMP – Greens,

Klára Dobrev – DK–MSZP–Párbeszéd–Greens,

Gábor Vona - During the Second Reform,

Péter Márki-Zay - Everyone's Hungary,

Anna Donáth – Momentum,

Tamás Deutsch – Fidesz–KDNP,

Péter Róna – Jobbik,

Péter Magyar – Tisza Party,

Imre Bruti Szabó – Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party,

László Toroczkai - Our Country Movement.

All candidates - regardless of party support - will have a total of eight minutes to speak in the form of five comments. In the first round, the participants introduce themselves in one minute, then in the three topics, they can express their opinions in two minutes each, and finally, they can react to what was said in front of them in one minute.

In a letter sent to organizations interested in the debate, the MTVA predicted that if someone exceeds the time frame, the speaker's voice will be muted. The debate will be broadcast on M1 at eight o'clock in the evening, the two moderators will be Balázs Németh and Tünde Volf-Nagy.

The debate is planned to last 100 minutes, where the following topics will be discussed:

– protection and security of the European Union;
– migration/asylum;
– agriculture and/or democracy, rule of law.

"I am ready to debate with all pro-war and dollar-left list leaders," Tamás Deutsch, Fidesz's EP list leader, wrote earlier.

László Toroczkai responded to the request on his X-page: "Of course, we immediately responded to the request of the public television and indicated that Mi Hazánk will be present at the debate of the EP list leaders.

It is also clear that such a debate should be held live, in prime time, he stated.

At 18:15 DK is waiting for its sympathizers at the drinking fountain in Clark Ádám tér to accompany Klára Dobrev to the Várkert Bazaar and find the main entrance together. The organizers expect the participants to go to the venue via the underground car park,

however, the DK EP representative wants to walk in from the street.

"I will arrive on foot, not from the garage, but from the street, among the people. And I would still try to enter the building through the regular entrance. Let's really stop being clowns! What is it that it is not possible to enter the building at the entrance?" - the opposition politician wrote on his Facebook page.

Candidates had to sign in advance to accept the policy. Anna Donáth rejected this for "reasons of conscience", but she will also be there at the debate.

My conscience and my representative's oath both prohibit me from renouncing my freedom of speech and expression of opinion - indicated the left-wing politician.

Péter Magyar, the EP list leader of the Tisza Party, signed the statement, but sent a list of objections to the organizers, in which he indicated that he would talk about what he wanted, not what the debate was about. The messiah of the left previously spoke about the fact that he is only willing to debate live on the public media, until then he will not go anywhere else. The list leader of the Tisza Party did not call off the previously announced demonstration, calling his sympathizers to demonstrate in front of the Várkert Bazaar at seven o'clock on Thursday evening.

The Hungarian Kétfarkú Kutya Párt organized a movement a few hundred meters away, on Döbrentei tér.

We thought that Le Marietta would also paint and participate in the so-called EP chart leader debate organized by MTVA. In the end, we thought it would be better if the alleged joke party MKKP did not take part in this farce, they wrote. Instead of the leader of the party's EP list, Le Marietta, Tóth delegates Imre Bruti to the public media debate. on the M1," wrote Bruti on his Facebook page, who is in 4th place on the list of the MKKP.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image: Tamás Deutsch, Fidesz EP list leader, will also be present at the debate
Source: MTI/Zoltán Balogh