According to Dávid Vitézy, the City Hall "constantly plays the victim, complains, points at others".

Gergely Karácsony and Dávid Vitézy debate for the first time in the mayoral candidate campaign. Alexandra Szentkirályi did not participate in the event held at the headquarters of the Vasas Trade Union Association.

Karácsony did not want to stand against Vitézy several times, so he only accepted the Partizános invitation. Alexandra Szentkirályi, the mayoral candidate of Fidesz-KDNP, explained earlier:

"If it is possible to argue with the real candidates and real managers, I will stand up to them, but I think that it is not Gergely Karácsony, but Ferenc Gyurcsány."

The debate was moderated by Márton Gulyás, the event began with opening speeches. Karácsony lamented that in Karmelita they are constantly looking at public opinion polls and debating whether to withdraw one of their candidates. Vitézy in his introductory speech

He said of Gergely Karácsony that he was disappointed in him because he plunged into the prime ministerial campaign and became only a springboard for Budapest.

Gergely Karácsony then spoke about what is the morally correct action that needs to be decided. Budapest must become greener and more equal, and the quality of life for everyone must be improved. He criticized the political system that has developed over the past 14 years, which calls these values ​​into question. According to him, Budapest must show a different vision of the future.

Dávid Vitézy asked Karácsony if he would withdraw from the candidacy.

Vitézy recalled that Karácsony promised in a debate five years ago that all municipal buildings would be barrier-free until 2024, because if not, he would not run for re-election.

Dávid Vitézy said that everyone thinks what they want about the prime minister, but he thinks it is questionable whether it is really in Budapest's interest that the capital city's leadership call Viktor Orbán sarcastic names.

Karácsony could only retaliate by asking: where was Vitézy in the last 14 years, when the government hurt people?

According to Vitézy, they will be able to cooperate with Kárácson in the Capital Assembly:

I will be there as the mayor, and you as the faction leader of the DK. We will be able to try out what working together is like."

Karácsony hysterically turned to the audience, who dared to applaud his challenger's previous sentence: "That's why the LMP members who are applauding now are really cute..."

Gulyás sometimes had to discipline the audience, who loudly supported one or another candidate.

Vitézy considers it propaganda that Karácsony keeps talking about the withdrawal, and he thinks that the mayor is now using the false propaganda against him that he complained about earlier.

According to Vitézy, Karácsony's list includes Gergő Czeglédi, former socialist deputy mayor Miklós Hagyó's chief of staff, who stole the BKV, as well as Csaba Horváth, who is a suspect in an investigation, and Norbert Trippon, whose cases are full of press.

Karácsony tried to deflect the accusations with a joke that he might not have to take responsibility for those on the fiftieth place on his list, and then he accused one of the representative candidates on Vitézy's list of corruption.

Vitézy wondered whether Karácsony would withdraw his support from Csaba Horváth, the candidate for mayor of Zugló from the MSZP. The mayor answered NO.

At the beginning of the second debate block, Vitézy promised five new tram lines. Karácsony spoke about the importance of the transport tariff community concluded with the government, which, according to him, shows that he is not looking for a conflict with the government.

Karácsony hopes that the people of Budapest will not sell their freedom for a bowl of lentils on June 9.

According to Karácsony, Vitézy is financing his campaign with NER funds. According to Karácsony, the difference between them is that he uses the parties to implement his program, while Vitézy is used by the parties for political gain. In his opinion, there are powerful interests behind Vitézy's appearance on the scene.

Christmas: Budapest's future depends on affordable housing in the short and long term. According to him, the capital did not have a housing policy in the last thirty years.

He asked Karácsony on the LMP candidate number why he brags about the housing agency when no one cares.

Vitézy asked who the mayor will vote for in the EP elections. In response to the DK–MSZP–Párbeszéd list, Vitézy only said:

"Mr. Mayor, to your health for voting for DK!"

In the third discussion block, Vitézy said: "For example, Kökin has dirt and garbage, the shops are closed" , and then continued

addressing the differences between the outer and inner districts.

According to Karácsony, the employees of the capital companies could feel that they were appreciated. For the past five years, the capital has provided utility support to needy families, and Karácsony wants to continue this support in the next term. Furthermore,

protested that he would only deal with the inner districts.

And Vitézy

Karácsony deals with the suburbs because he looked at the election map and saw that his voters were there.

Márton Gulyás: would they support the staging of the Budapest Olympics? Vitézy: this question is not relevant. Christmas: the question is light years away from the capital's current problems.

"Come, Mr. Mayor, to the Nyugati railway station or the Keleti railway station, which we have successfully renovated"

Vitézy responded to the accusation that he could not finish anything in ten years. Christmas: "Thirty years ago, the air in Budapest was not as good as it is in 2023."

In his closing speech, the mayor accused his opponent of not feeling responsible for the past 14 years and asked voters to vote for him and the list supporting him:

"I don't promise what I can't do."

Vitézy also thanked him for the discussion, explaining that he is not asking for authorization on June 9 to become a party politician, but to be able to continue the professional work he has already started in various professional positions. According to him, the City Hall also plays its part in the contrast between the capital city and the countryside:

"He constantly plays the victim, complains, points at others..."

If the current city administration remains, then nothing will happen in the next five years - he concluded his thoughts.


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