At the AfterParty, publicist Zsolt Bayer, Sámuel Ágoston Mráz, senior analyst of the Nézőpont Institute, and security policy expert József Horváth evaluated the peace process. During the conversation, Western European war psychosis, the question of conscription and Péter Magyar were also discussed.

Regarding the message of the peace march, Sámuel Ágoston Mráz said,

for the left, the main message of the peace march is that there are a lot of Fidesz voters.

According to the analyst of the Nézőpont Institute, it is difficult to maintain the idea of ​​the left that the support of the governing parties has decreased. At the same time, the analyst explained that, in the first round, the peace march calmed the pro-government voters and mobilized them. The expert explained that international research clearly shows that European citizens are now most interested in the issue of war.

One of the important elements of the prime minister's speech was the peace coalition, which has a serious reality throughout Europe

- added Sámuel Ágoston Mráz, who said that according to opinion polls, the European New Right will receive more than twenty percent in the European Parliament elections. Ágoston Mráz explained that if conscription were to be reinstated in Germany or even Western Europe, masses of Western youth could appear in Hungary and request refugee status.

Regarding the deployment of Western weapons in original Russian territories, Mráz emphasized that the persons and groups that support the deployment of these weapons risk the outbreak of a world war.

During the conversation, Zsolt Bayer said about the peace march that he was pleased with how many people showed up and expressed their commitment to peace.

For me, every peace march is a miracle, since we are together on these occasions

- declared the publicist, who has participated in every peace march since 2012. Regarding the introduction of compulsory conscription, Bayer said that Manfred Weber went so far as to support the conscription of not only men but also women.

Bayer also drew attention to a public opinion poll, according to which the vast majority of people under the age of 40 in Germany would not be willing to go to war even if their country were attacked.

Security policy expert József Horváth explained that the peace march showed that hundreds of thousands of people in Hungary are able to march safely and without major or minor atrocities.

Even in Western Europe and Vienna, it is no longer possible to organize such large-scale demonstrations with adequate insurance

- highlighted József Horváth, who said that more and more people in the western part of the continent see Hungary as a refuge. Regarding the idea of ​​mandatory European conscription, the security policy expert said that pro-war politicians are able to turn 360 degrees overnight and even attack each other in the back.

According to research, more than 50 percent of young people in Western Europe and America are physically or mentally unfit for military service

- added the expert, who believes that this phenomenon is the result of the brainwashing of the past decades. Regarding Western war psychosis, Horváth emphasized that war is about protecting various business interests and about power.

The Hungarian opposition was also discussed at the round table. Regarding the popularity of Péter Magyar, Sámuel Ágoston Mráz said,

the Tisza is at its peak, several studies prove that every fourth vote will go to Péter Magyar's party in the elections to be held on June 9.

Regarding the Péter Magyar phenomenon, Zsolt Bayer explained that the opposition voters are frustrated, impatient and nervous, because they have not won a single election since 2006, and one of the consequences of this is that they see the savior in everyone.

Péter Magyar is a narcissistic psychopath

Bayer summarized his position regarding the leader of the Tisza Party.

Featured image: Budapest, June 1, 2024. In the photo taken with a drone, the participants of the Peace March of the Civil Solidarity Forum - Civil Solidarity Non-profit Foundation (CÖF-CÖKA) march on Margit Bridge on June 1, 2024. MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi