The Hungarian prime minister is clearly being insulted because he protects the borders and does not accept any illegal immigrants, emphasized Santiago Abascal.

In his EP election campaign speech on Sunday, the president of the Spanish VOX party proudly stood up for Viktor Orbán, and at the same time stated that the politicians from Brussels are attacking our country for political reasons.

"Why are they insulting our Hungarian ally, Viktor Orbán? It's clear: because it protects the borders, because it doesn't accept any illegal immigrants from Quotány," Abascal began in his speech praising the Hungarian government.

As he explained, the Hungarian government does not allow any lobby group into schools "to corrupt the children", and he even mentioned the child protection referendum as a good example, in which he said the Hungarian people made their voice heard.

He stated, "the European Commission with Von der Leyen and his slaves, Feijóo and Sánchez [Alberto Núñez Feijóo is the president of the Spanish People's Party and Pedro Sánchez is the Socialist Prime Minister of Spain - ed.]

it criminalizes Hungary because it is a sovereign country that defends its borders, its sovereignty, and protects the innocence of its children," added the president of the VOX party.

In addition to the child protection program, Santiago Abascal also praised the demographic program of the Hungarian government:

"In contrast to France, where money is given for having children, but who is having children in France and Germany? The Maghrebians and the Turks. They don't give money in Hungary. In Hungary, those who work, i.e. pay income tax and have more than four children, no longer have to pay income tax for the rest of their lives, even if the children reach the age of 18. It protects people”.

In his speech, he also mentioned that "those who protect their people, who are zealous, who love their sovereignty and their country, are persecuted.

And they, these persecuted ones, are our allies.

That is why we are not at all ashamed of our international allies, with whom we do not have to agree on everything. But we are not ashamed of them at all. The one who should be ashamed is the illegitimate and lying president sitting in Moncloa [Pedro Sánchez – ed.], who is applauded by Hamas, applauded by the Taliban, applauded by the Iranian theocratic regime, which is a regime that kills women.”

Cover photo: Santiago Abascal and Viktor Orbán
Source: Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer