The last surveys have been completed, the week of mobilization and the final round is coming! Written by Dániel Kacsoh.

And the last week of the campaign has finally arrived, on Sunday every voter can go to the polls and draw the ballot box for the best offer for the country and their own locality. The possibility of a decision now covers the local representative and mayor, in Budapest a party list and the person of the mayor, and one of the lists of the European Parliament.

So this is not the capital letter voting, we "only" elect EP representatives and local leaders, but the stakes are not small. In fact.

Locally, it is obviously important to everyone who is the mayor in a given city, village or district, but due to the recent war and the European reactions to it, the EU referendum is probably more important now.

Hungary can send 21 representatives to the very populous European Parliament, which is also not the only one of the EU's governing bodies. We could even wave.

However, the situation is that the Western mainstream is drifting more and more in the direction of some kind of unforeseeable war escalation, and although many people probably don't like this, somehow it turned out that

the sane voice demanding armistice negotiations and peace (as in the case of illegal migration) is again represented by Viktor Orbán and the Fidesz-KDNP.

However, if this position gains significant social support on Sunday at the level of votes, it will be a message to the European public.

The last surveys have been completed, the week of mobilization and the final round is coming!

The marginalized opposition, certainly not independently of the interests of its own and external actors, does not consider the issue of war to be the most important. They tune the protest, Péter Magyar even got involved in the pro-peace campaign,

According to Klára Dobrev, there is no question of an escalation of war, while Momentum, which is almost zeroed out, speaks almost robotically about Western voices.

The vice-president of the Tisza Party appeals to the National Media and Communications Authority in order to ban Fidesz's anti-war campaign. In addition, he would also cite Viktor Orbán to court for "spreading horror stories".

Energy crisis, inflation, loss of momentum in the middle of the cycle, pardon case and Péter Magyar - without claiming to be exhaustive, these are just a few circumstances that could easily explain even a weaker result for the governing parties.

However, although the new messiah subverting the left and the Gyurcsány party politicians are both excited about the overthrow of the government, it looks very much like the Fidesz-KDNP may even retain its current 13 mandates in the Brussels body, and the opposition field will be covered with "corpses of heroic dead".

According to our current knowledge, Momentum, for example, will not exceed the five percent threshold, and it is even possible from the "strengthening" DK list with Párbeszéd and MSZP, they can send only one representative. The dogs with two tails, the LMP and obviously Péter Márki-Zay's team as well, may be worried.

Of course, what the parties will end up with will be revealed on Sunday at the earliest.

One thing is for sure: the amazing crowd at the weekend's Peace March also confirms that the governing parties have regained the ability to thematize, they have identified a crucial issue as the stakes of the election, in which, despite all Putin-bashing and attacks, they not only represent the correct position, but also reflect the opinion of the majority of society consistently.

Even in the studio of Partizán, which was working for the fall of Orbán, they were forced to admit: the orange team absorbed themselves well, there is no sign of uncertainty or weakness.

On the other hand, the opposition is still divided, perhaps even more fragmented than ever before, yet they are united by the goal, namely compliance with the West and implacable hatred of Viktor Orbán. In spite of the white-shirted stage speakers as an undoubted novelty, this record is boring.

The point is, however, that the Hungarian voters can again send a signal and make a decision, according to their free will. Although the campaign properly lists all of us, who we vote for is up to us. At the same time, during the EP elections, we can send a message all the way to the center in Brussels, having a say in the international balance of power.

Compared to the fact that you only have to go to the polling station on a weekend day, it's quite a good opportunity. It's worth living with!