In an interview over the weekend, Manfred Weber, the president of the European People's Party (EPP), supported the restoration of German conscription, which is threatening news not only for Germans, but for the entire EU. After a while, the German solutions are also adopted at the EU level, and - as we saw with the mandatory resettlement quota, Frontex, the "green transition" or the support of Ukraine with weapons - if they break, if they break (even with a majority decision), they are carried through. It wouldn't be any different with conscription...

"Half of Germans already support the restoration of conscription!" – this is how the pro-war politicians manipulate and prepare the German society so that after the autumn elections in the East German provinces, they will seriously begin to bring back conscription, which was suspended on the first of July 2011. Time is running out, because Ukraine is rapidly running out of soldiers and the Western soldiers raised by Macron are only enough for one year. One after the other, pro-war countries restore conscription, which is dictated by the merciless mathematics of war.

Let's first look at why the pro-war politicians are urging the return of conscription.

The short answer: because in 2-3 years there won't be enough soldiers to send to the front against the Russians. In March of this year, Ukrainian President Zelenskyi spoke of 31,000 heroic dead, former Ukrainian Chief of Staff Zaluzhny requested half a million new soldiers to compensate for the losses already last November, of which even with the manhunt, it would be good if they could gather 200,000 in half a year. The Ukrainian men in the hinterland no longer want to fight, they don't want to die. There are also the 650,000 Ukrainian men who fled abroad, if they are sent home, they will provide enough personnel for another 1-2 years, so Ukraine has approx. He can field enough soldiers for 2-3 years. As early as August 2023, the Anglo-Saxon general asked the Ukrainians not to attack, but to defend themselves, because then they would be able to continue fighting with the same number of soldiers, after all, then the Russians would have to send 3-6x as many soldiers into battle.

However, the actor Zelenskiy is now playing the main role of his life in a TV series and wants to attack as the "new Churchill" in (the next season) 2025.

Soldiers run out faster when attacking, so instead of 2-3 years, the Ukrainian army would run out of soldiers in 1-2 years. After the Ukrainians come the Western soldiers raised by President Macron at the end of February, who would be sent to Ukraine based on bilateral security agreements. The French training officers would be the pre-official Western soldiers who would replace their Ukrainian colleagues, the latter would be immediately sent to fight at the front. Since the Russians consider all Western weapons and soldiers arriving in Ukraine as legitimate military targets and have already killed hundreds of Western mercenaries and "observers", it can be calculated that the Western soldiers sent to Ukraine will also kill approx. they are enough for one year. Summing up the math of war, the Ukrainians and the current Western soldiers in the case of defense have a maximum of approx. They are enough for 3-4 years, or 2-3 years in case of an attack. Since Russia has already switched to a war economy and is only mobilizing the population of the periphery and prison colonies, the Russians have a larger reserve of people, not to mention the fact that they can also count on the arrival of Iranian, North Korean and Syrian "volunteers".

The pro-war globalists are therefore approx. They will run out of soldiers in 2-3 years, so the spiritual preparation of Western societies and the physical preparation of the armies for the restoration of conscription must begin now. The sooner they decide on the restoration of compulsory service, the sooner the necessary infrastructure can be built. In the last 13 years, many of its barracks have been sold or demolished, and despite the fact that the Bundeswehr's staff size was increased to 203,000, on average, they hardly apply to become soldiers for 2,300 - 3,500 euros net, but there is also a shortage of barracks, uniforms, weapons and trainers. Not to mention enthusiastic recruits and volunteers, after all, in the last thirty, but especially in the last 10-15 years, it has not been fashionable in the West to be a man, a patriot, or a militarist, so the institutions that originally formed the foundations of society (such as the army) have softened and lost their original function. This should now be rebuilt at breakneck speed in such a way that the globalist politicians cannot admit that they were wrong and do not want to renounce their internationalist, pro-immigration and gender ideology.

There is another reason why Manfred Weber and the Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union (Boris Pistorius) are raising the issue of reinstating German conscription before the EP elections: That way, no one will be able to say "they didn't say anything" in the fall.

And why is all this dangerous for EU member states? Just as many German solutions have been adopted in the EU, for better or worse, it is expected that they will want to carry this one through as well. The European Central Bank would have followed the model of the Bundesbank; Frontex was created on the model of the Federal Police; on the example of the Königssteiner Schlüssel for the distribution of migrants within the country, the Juncker formula, which forms the basis of the mandatory resettlement quota, was created, and we could go on for a long time. Pro-war politicians are already urging joint arms procurement, EU nuclear bombs and air defense systems, and the new Brussels committee will include an EU defense minister from autumn.

Don't get me wrong, a stronger EU that is able to defend itself even without the USA is in the interest of all of us, for this we must do more and sacrifice more than in the past 30 years. The watershed lies in the fact that those in favor of peace would use this force – in the spirit of the NATO treaty – for defense, while the pro-war globalists would use it for war against Russia. Manfred Weber's proposal is dangerous because, as the president of the European People's Party, he foresees another German solution raising the level of the EU, which will prolong and expand the war. We Hungarians have already gone wrong twice by following the Germans, which is why we are now trying to be pro-peace.

Source: Movement space blog

Cover image: Illustration / Photo: Csaba Krizsán / MTI